Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Amazing band of the moment: Dismal Divinity from Puerto Rico. Totally unknown guys with a female vocalist. Ultra-brutal death metal like Brodequin or Enmity with oldschool Morbid Angel or Cannibal Corpse touches. Really great stuff.
I'm a couple tracks into that album, and I can attest that it is definitely good stuff. Gritty production gives it a nice old school edge, and the bestial, war like atmosphere is done in a perfectly genuine fashion. I'll be listening to this more often, regardless.

Edit: The old school death/thrashy bits strewn about are ridiculously headbangable as well.
wow i feel late to the party haha but im real into slammy stuff even though it is quite generic and common nowadays. i apologize ahead of time if these guys have been already mentioned but have any of you guys listened to Guttural Engorgement? Shits brutal.
So like, umm, what's a good intro/gateway album for me to get into this subgenre? Don't give me the oldschool staples.
From all of them I only really like Sinister.(who according to Nick aren't properly "brutal", but yea, whatever). What can you recommend to me based on that?
I figured I would post this here.

My friend (drummer) and I (guitar) recorded a short clip of a brutal death song the other day. Here's the clip:

I'm actually drumming during the slowest part, but the rest of the drums is my friend. Recorded in my home studio.

Let me know what you think of the sound and riffs. TBH I wrote this mainly to practice recording, and not for compositional value, but we may turn it into a full-fledged song one day.

Sounds pretty kewl but the slow parts kind of suck. It would be really cool if threw a solo in there. Brutal death + epic solos = awesome
wow i feel late to the party haha but im real into slammy stuff even though it is quite generic and common nowadays. i apologize ahead of time if these guys have been already mentioned but have any of you guys listened to Guttural Engorgement? Shits brutal.
I don't really dislike them but there's better stuff.

So like, umm, what's a good intro/gateway album for me to get into this subgenre? Don't give me the oldschool staples.
From all of them I only really like Sinister.(who according to Nick aren't properly "brutal", but yea, whatever). What can you recommend to me based on that?
Try Dying Fetus - Killing on Adrenaline
They're just average slam that seems too stupid to exist in such a capacity that they actually do. There's nothing crazy about them either.
I really get the impression that Mucopus is supposed to be a parody of slam death done by mathcore kids.
I've been wanting to pick up some electronica and some recomendations would be nice.
I've been wanting to pick up some electronica and some recomendations would be nice.

Do you mean electronica mixed with BDM or just plain electronica? and if plain, what end of the spectrum are you looking for - are you looking for something IDMish? Trancey? Housey? Technoey? Ambientey?
I find Electronica to be a very vague genre escription. Like asking someone to recommend you some 'metal' as opposed to black metal or traditional doom metal.