Brutal/Slam Death Metal

the cd is awesome its like a mix between dripping (amazing) and some Nicaraguan awesomeness.

how can u not like it.

other then the high gain levels for the guitar there isn't a lot in common with dripping and gorepoflesh, I think the vocals and slams are much catchier, smoother, and better sounding in dripping then gorepoflesh's faster track listening.
i wasnt saying that they were better than dripping. its just a great cd. it has a sick production sound (similar to dripping) the songs are good. vocals are sweet (kind of human mastication-ish)
after listening some more, I'd say they resemble the same production, its obvious that Dripping's is better and definitely more listenable :).

Also it does resemble human mastication, though I believe Gorepoflesh has some obscure gurgles that I don't hear often in other bands, the echo effect on the vocals ruin it for me though.
That's not the case at all, the album just didn't fit my taste, and personally, I think that the band took a step BACK instead of forward. My thoughts, that all, just wanted to discuss.
I understand that taste is subjective, but I am ready to defend my reasoning that it is a step forward. Truly progressive, original art is always regarded as challenging to standards of taste because current standards don't work well in the context of something the appeal of which has not yet been defined and fleshed out (lulz).

IMO, Gorepoflesh's debut SELF-RELEASED ALBUM is proof that slam has incredible artists working in its favor, people who have the passion and determination to create something with truly vile and sick energy.
I would really like to know who produced their album because they should be fired. I'm an audio engineer and there are so many things wrong with the Gorepoflesh album its hilarious, but not just their album, 90% of BDM albums. Is having good production a bad thing? I would remaster the album for Gorepoflesh for FREE and have it turn out 20 times more audible.
It was self-released so likely they produced it themselves. Have you ever stopped to consider that perhaps the production was an intentional choice and came out exactly how they wanted it to? It sounds awesome to my ears; so it doesn't have a pristine deathcore/generic modern slam production...get over it. It's like saying you'd make Darkthrone's Transylvanian Hunger sound 20 times "more audible"; you're probably more likely just missing the fucking point, which I don't blame you for because of how audio engineers are indoctrinated to hear things.

It sounds like hell, yeah. That's the fucking point. You're missing the point of probably 80% out of that "90%" you claim has bad production in brutal death metal. In other words, leave.
It was self-released so likely they produced it themselves. Have you ever stopped to consider that perhaps the production was an intentional choice and came out exactly how they wanted it to? It sounds awesome to my ears; so it doesn't have a pristine deathcore/generic modern slam production...get over it. It's like saying you'd make Darkthrone's Transylvanian Hunger sound 20 times "more audible"; you're probably more likely just missing the fucking point, which I don't blame you for because of how audio engineers are indoctrinated to hear things.

It sounds like hell, yeah. That's the fucking point. You're missing the point of probably 80% out of that "90%" you claim has bad production in brutal death metal. In other words, leave.

Yea man, that makes perfect sense. Let me spend a vast amount of time writing and composing songs only to be fucked up by bad production. So in other words, put all your effort into writing your music and NONE in the production. I never knew it was a bad thing to want an audible CD but I see blatant is IN atm huh?
You're hilariously misunderstanding everything I said, so your reply is just amusing tbh. Plus you're still using the word audible incorrectly and the word "blatant" incorrectly to boot. Good job. You're clearly educated on this topic.

In addition, who the hell are you anyway?
You're hilariously misunderstanding everything I said, so your reply is just amusing tbh. Plus you're still using the word audible incorrectly and the word "blatant" incorrectly to boot. Good job. You're clearly educated on this topic.

In addition, who the hell are you anyway?

I completely understand your post and I am not using audible and blatant incorrectly thank you. The guitars are inaudible compared to the other instruments and are panned very badly. Also, the bass drum is nowhere to be found. If that isn't bad enough, the guitars CLIPPED during the recording.

Good production can sound just as brutal as BAD production.
Oh no dude, the guitars clipped? Really? Wow, got any other vocabulary words from your precious sound production classes? Come back when you learn to appreciate music for what it sounds like and not shit yourself every time a band pans a guitar layer too much in one direction. The recording is fucking incredible; dense, heavy and suffocating, with an unrelenting atmosphere of perversion and sickness. You're most likely just too used to "perfect" recording techniques to comprehend something like this, but like I said in my review, revolutionary art isn't meant to be judged using current standards of technical quality. It's fine with me if you don't like it; I want you not to like it; it reduces the amount of people I have to care about the opinion of. But to make such ridiculous claims about the technical aspects of the music when you clearly have no understanding of appreciating things for what they are, and have no faith in artists doing things for a reason...people like you kill art. Fuck standards. End yourself and others like you.

Also, if you were trying to call the guitars "inaudible" (which they aren't; I can pick out every single riff and slam on the album), you shouldn't have said that the album is not "audible", thus making you look utterly foolish (as we already know you are by a few posts here :lol:). I'm confused about your use of the word "blatant", still, however. Care to explain what you meant? Also, you're not an inspiring audio engineer; you're aspiring, I assume. Learn English, it's useful in order to be able to have a discourse with people of your intelligence level on the internet.
Oh no dude, the guitars clipped? Really? Wow, got any other vocabulary words from your precious sound production classes? Come back when you learn to appreciate music for what it sounds like and not shit yourself every time a band pans a guitar layer too much in one direction. The recording is fucking incredible; dense, heavy and suffocating, with an unrelenting atmosphere of perversion and sickness. You're most likely just too used to "perfect" recording techniques to comprehend something like this, but like I said in my review, revolutionary art isn't meant to be judged using current standards of technical quality. It's fine with me if you don't like it; I want you not to like it; it reduces the amount of people I have to care about the opinion of. But to make such ridiculous claims about the technical aspects of the music when you clearly have no understanding of appreciating things for what they are, and have no faith in artists doing things for a reason...people like you kill art. Fuck standards. End yourself and others like you.

You are a moron and by far the most ignorant person on these forums. Its sad how arrogant you are. How dare you tell me I don't appreciate music, you're just some cocky metal head. PRODUCTION should not be overlooked. Its a very important aspect of music. Kinda pathetic when a demo has the same exact quality of full length cd.

You might appreciate music, but you have no faith in artists if you assume you can do a better job producing their CD than they can. You have no right to assume that what an artist does or does not do is not a manifestation of their will as artists. Of course production is important; I find the production on Gore Fucking Corpses to be excellent; it's raw, it's dirty, it sounds wrong. Of course as an audio engineer in training you'll find it terrible; you are trained that way, I assume. You are, by trade, supposed to make things sound pretty and pristine and leveled correctly. Some of the best metal, and art in general, has said "fuck you" to technical standards and done whatever it wanted to, and, in doing so, revolutionized everything. If you disagree with this, you're probably just better off with pop music rather than metal.

Just admit that you might understand the technical aspects of art, but you clearly are missing the point of the artists' will, by far the most powerful tool in the world of aesthetics. I'm not doubting, at ALL, that you could get the master for Gore Fucking Corpses and Pro-Tools it up and make it sound snazzy, and I have no doubt you'd do it for free. But, by saying you could do it better than the artist can is pathetic at best, deplorable at worst. That kind of attitude is a cancer that negates artistic value and sorts everything according to preconceived standards.
You're right, I don't have faith in artist. 80% of artist make some super ultra guttural brutal record just to get it out there and be a part of the scene. If you think their LP sounds incredible, I can't imagine what sounds bad.

Please before you judge me, take a look at my Youtube.

Its very hard for me to like bands with bad production, I'm sure you understand. I would like the band to be spot on material and production wise. Whats so wrong with that?