Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I have one problem with the production or recording value of Gore Fucking Corpses that really can't be desired and it probably rots my speakers. I have no knowledge of how mastering works so my description is very limited. Through the album some bass or guitar riffs vibrate my speakers in a vile way, although I have accepted it. For example in Dead Genitals Fermentation around 3m or at 2m in Splattered Rancid Cum. It must be the bass because I can clearly hear guitars. Other wise killer stuff.
Yep, it's the bass, and yep it's ridiculously loud, overbearing, and fucking amazing. Dripping has the same sort of thing happen a lot of the time, which is a big part of the reason I see them as similar.
First off. Eternal Suffering is the shit.

After 4 listens to Gore Fucking Corpses, I've noticed I like it more if I'm doing something. Like driving or surfing the web. Still not a top release of the year.

I understand where both of you guys are coming from regarding the production. Personally I like really good production, however I acknowledge the fact that sometimes production needs to fuck off for a certain sound to be achieved.

In the long term I don't see myself listening to this album as much as say the Human Mastication debut or the Internal Torture split.

Hopefully these guys will get their name out there with this release and get signed. I doubt their 2nd full length would sound this obscure being signed. We will see in time.
I have had a chat with Barrett about signing them. We'll see what happens.

The Human Mastication album is the shit, by the way. Gee is a fucking great vocalist, and the people hating on his vocals are silly.

Eternal Suffering are another one of those faceless, conceptually-vapid MA "brutal" bands writing loud, "brutal death metal" with nothing particularly salient about any aspect of the music. In other words, it's boring bullshit made even worse by having an unfocused non-musical aspect to it which just makes me want to yawn in their general direction. It's, however, been established that I fucking hate the Massachusetts brutal death metal scene (aside from Abnormality, though I'm sure sure how their new one's gonna sound, to be honest) and am automatically biased in judging it so my judgments should be taken with a pinch of salt. Dysentery can suck a dick.
:lol: It's not annoying! It makes for powerful bass drops and dynamic songwriting that intensely highlights a contrast between bass and treble. Gorepoflesh take it a step farther by scooping their mids, making the contrast even more noticeable.
Eternal Suffering are another one of those faceless, conceptually-vapid MA "brutal" bands writing loud, "brutal death metal" with nothing particularly salient about any aspect of the music. In other words, it's boring bullshit made even worse by having an unfocused non-musical aspect to it which just makes me want to yawn in their general direction. It's, however, been established that I fucking hate the Massachusetts brutal death metal scene (aside from Abnormality, though I'm sure sure how their new one's gonna sound, to be honest) and am automatically biased in judging it so my judgments should be taken with a pinch of salt. Dysentery can suck a dick.

Eternal Suffering hasnt released/wrote anything in ten years... and were pretty much in the first wave of slam bands. Drowning in Tragedy is one of my favorite bdm albums, and fairly memorable too, even the goofy intro... regardless, your crotch is all bloody today. :rolleyes:
Hm...what the fuck am I thinking of then? There's some new band...I think Revocation? Damn, I'm an idiot and admit it. I don't think I've heard that Eternal Suffering album actually. It's funny that both bands are from Massachusetts though!

My crotch isn't bloody, I'm just in an unnecessarily argumentative, confrontational mood, and that argument made me mad anyway so it was just logical for me to do my once-or-twice-a-month anti-MA-slam/Dysentery rant. Sorry.
Gorepoflesh's riffs are more effective on headphones, which seem to give a much more approachable, friendly headspace in which to pick everything out more logically. I recommend a good loud headphone listen before saying it sucks, haters!
I've listened to it on both and get the same kind of effect, I also prefer loud speakers. Let the neighours know whats up. And I did not say it sucks stop assuming things.

Its not the bass, its actually audio clipping. Thats when the audio signal goes past its limit of output and can no longer be revived. I'd watch out blasting Gorepoflesh on your speakers if you don't have a sub woofer. Audio clipping is known to blow out tweeters.