Brutal/Slam Death Metal

when any unknown band with trash can drums releases an album, this forum embraces it. Why is that?

Most of these bands that have the "trash can" sound are probably coming from these parts of the World:

Colombia, Philippines, Nicaragua or Chile.

We can't really expect them to have Unleash the Carnivore type Production there.. nor do most of us want them to. These bands achieve a more brutal sound by not having great production, and in this type of music sounding like shit is acceptable.

It's an acquire taste. Over time you man learn to enjoy it. I know I didn't embrace Carnivore Diprosopus or Amputated Genitals right away, but over time I've grown to love them.
Slam Pig = person who enjoys slam death metal.

Whenever I think of Slam & Pigs together I think of this guy.

Steve the MadPig (He wrote most of the lyrics for the Disastrous full length)


"Dragged And Raped For My Feast" split 7" EP vinyl w/ Smallpox Aroma [Utter Disgust Records] 2009/2010

"Persecute To Bloodbath" 7" EP vinyl [Addiction To War Records] 2010

"?" 4-way split 7" vinyl w/ I Shit On Your Face, Virulent Gestation, Insomnia Isterica [L'é Tütt Folklor / EatShitBuyDie / The Hole Prods] 2010
Not to start an argument or piss anyone off, but I notice that there is a lot of backlash towards many of the better known slam/ brutal bands, such as Guttural Engorgement, Condemned, Dysentery, and Lividity. They are like the Cannibal Corpse's of slam, in that they have all released at least one good album, yet people can't seem to stop pointing out their shortcomings. But, when any unknown band with trash can drums releases an album, this forum embraces it. Why is that?
All of those bands strike me as weaker, uninspired versions of other brutal bands. Not bad, just not interesting. It's a common feature in heavy music that the more popular bands are worse or more accurately more mundane. Cannibal Corpse is the perfect example. Not bad enough to have people hate them, but popular because they don't do anything interesting enough to offend any particular groups.

Gorepoflesh is a good example of a really good band that a lot of people here like but the way they do things has obviously turned off some people.
Most of these bands that have the "trash can" sound are probably coming from these parts of the World:

Colombia, Philippines, Nicaragua or Chile.

We can't really expect them to have Unleash the Carnivore type Production there.. nor do most of us want them to. These bands achieve a more brutal sound by not having great production, and in this type of music sounding like shit is acceptable.

It's an acquire taste. Over time you man learn to enjoy it. I know I didn't embrace Carnivore Diprosopus or Amputated Genitals right away, but over time I've grown to love them.

Great post, Malice!

New Human Mastication song on their Myspace is sick.
I'm not going to judge a band just on how much of a loser their vocalist is. The music is very heavy and low (DIP ,GE), I don't know, it just is very comforting to listen to.

The way you guys make it sound, is that different is always better, when that clearly isn't always the case, though it is influential.
One thing that always bugged me is that he spelled formaldehyde wrong. Maybe that would be okay for a non-native english speaker but it strikes me as dumb and lazy. That's independent of judging the music, but it still bothers me.
Listening to DIP again I can see what you mean by comforting, but it seems a little shallow to me. It's hard to explain but it seems like it's someone trying to imitate playing slam instead of actually playing it. I don't know if that makes any sense but it's the best I can do.
Is there anywhere online to listen to Gorepoflesh besides youtube? I could only find like one song. I'm not even much of a slam fan but I enjoyed it.
Its just extremely slow, but the song worms of arakus for example, its just so chilled. I like my fast music, but I love Guttural engorgement and DIP for this low/slower tone they make.

what makes it so different from mot slam I think is that it can continually repeat the same slow riff for what seems like forever, instead of holding it for a few seconds and breaking down.
I don't understand the big deal about slam. Most of what I hear that is slam is like early Suffocation breakdown riffs played with about 5 seconds of pause between them.

And there's the thing about wigger slam...
Christ. I wrote that post this morning and there are about 30 posts since. Anyways, I was comparing Guttural Engorgement and the like to Cannibal Corpse because they seem to put out good material, but people still bash them because they are well known. I was not referring to who the pioneers of slam are. At least there are a couple of people on here that don't hate every band I mentioned.
As for the unknown bands with trash can drums, the first band that comes to mind is Suppuration. I've already said on this thread that I like Gorepoflesh and Carnivore Diprosopus is decent as well.
i personally think DIP is one of the worst things ive ever heard. to me a lot of the riffs sound awkward and the songs just doesnt sound good in general.
Christ. I wrote that post this morning and there are about 30 posts since. Anyways, I was comparing Guttural Engorgement and the like to Cannibal Corpse because they seem to put out good material, but people still bash them because they are well known. I was not referring to who the pioneers of slam are. At least there are a couple of people on here that don't hate every band I mentioned.
As for the unknown bands with trash can drums, the first band that comes to mind is Suppuration. I've already said on this thread that I like Gorepoflesh and Carnivore Diprosopus is decent as well.

That was my only complaint with Suppuration.
DIP are one of my favorite bands, very deep, mellow, slow, chill, saying that the riffs just sound awkward, is awkward in itself.