Brutal/Slam Death Metal

My crotch isn't bloody, I'm just in an unnecessarily argumentative, confrontational mood, and that argument made me mad anyway so it was just logical for me to do my once-or-twice-a-month anti-MA-slam/Dysentery rant. Sorry.

Not to start an argument or piss anyone off, but I notice that there is a lot of backlash towards many of the better known slam/ brutal bands, such as Guttural Engorgement, Condemned, Dysentery, and Lividity. They are like the Cannibal Corpse's of slam, in that they have all released at least one good album, yet people can't seem to stop pointing out their shortcomings. But, when any unknown band with trash can drums releases an album, this forum embraces it. Why is that?
Well, those bands basically suck and aren't worth my time. I've listened to stuff by all of them and always came to the conclusion that it was bad. If by "unknown band with trash can drums" you mean the very band I just wrote a review of, it's probably because I like them better than any of the bands you mentioned. That's all.
Lividity suck. Plain and simple.

I've sat and gave my full attention to every one of their full length albums... I've tried to like them. I just cant. They are bad and boring and need to fucking stop.

The rest of the bands tfm listed are just... standard. They are okay and listenable (it's hard to truly fuck up slam)... but nothing at all sticks out in my mind about them.
Not to start an argument or piss anyone off, but I notice that there is a lot of backlash towards many of the better known slam/ brutal bands, such as Guttural Engorgement, Condemned, Dysentery, and Lividity. They are like the Cannibal Corpse's of slam, in that they have all released at least one good album, yet people can't seem to stop pointing out their shortcomings. But, when any unknown band with trash can drums releases an album, this forum embraces it. Why is that?

i used to like guttural engorement, but theres a lot of bands that are a lot better then them. condemned and dysentery are average and lividity completely sucks.

and i agree with V5 they are similar to cannible corpse. repetitive and unmemerable.

cannibal corpse only has one good cd. me and my gf almost fell asleep at one of their shows.
Are you guys kidding?
Guttural engorgement has the same sound Drowning in Phemaldehyde have, which is a slower, lower tone, I think its a NEEDED addition to slam or more brutal bands should tone it down, violence and aggressiveness doesnt come out of playing fast. Out of many bands I anticipate, I would be looking forward to releases from said band, guttural engorgement, which are definitely creating some of the best work to slam.

You guys may be a fan of a "rawer" sound, But with the intensity of the bass and low gutturals, how could you not like it. It's Inhuman to my ears.

Bands like that are to me, more memorable then a band with low quality, generic tones, and a drummer who beats the fuck outta his drum during the whole album (which gives me a headache because it ruins for me, every other aspect of the album)
Drowning in Phemaldehyde, Guttural Engorgement, etc. are Mark Rawls bands and Mark Rawls basically is like the opposite of Barrett (i.e. everything he touches turns to shit instead of gold).

JUST in an effort to further my current controversial attitude in this thread, I was greatly disappointed by new Human Rejection and new Infernal Revulsion this year.
I liked Drowning in Phemaldehyde for alittle while then i relized how unfortunate they are. Also some members are christian which I am not a fan of and unless they are absolutly amazing and aren't preaching its ok.
Drowning in Phemaldehyde, Guttural Engorgement, etc. are Mark Rawls bands and Mark Rawls basically is like the opposite of Barrett (i.e. everything he touches turns to shit instead of gold).

I cant see how, obviously the man has some of the best gutturals out there.

How is he so bad?
Unfortunate? To me, DIP basically just sucks. It's featureless, boring and trying too hard. Slam is so easy and a lot of American bands just overdo it and come off as retarded.

He doesn't have the best gutturals out there, not to mention he's got a reputation as a tool as well.
I couldnt care about the religious affiliation of members of a band. BUT... when 'christian' bands start to cover their artwork/lyrical content/intros in it... I just disregard them any more.

Especially in death metal
It just feels like... they arent concerned with the music... they're just trying to show that you can be christian and still be edgy/brootal/whatever...
Yea... never bothered to check that ep out. :lol:

I most likely wont check out that Christian band with old Devourment members either unless you guys are all orgasming over it.
So deathmetalinvasion's blogspot has some slam demos/eps etc for download that I havent seen anyone talk much about. Everything on the site was sent to them directly from the band for free download, so it's totally legal. Here's some of what I found.

Cephalic Impurity promo 2009

Female Nose Breaker promo 2009

Rotten Cranial Execration - Exercrate

Disentomb promo 09

Decimated Inheritence - promo 09

Intracranial Butchery promo 09

Visceral Infection - Putrid Stench of Human's Collapse
Mark Rawls sucks, as do all of the bands he's involved with: (Guttural Engorgement, Drowning In Phemaldehyde, The Empty Tomb, Kretan, Sikfuk, Esophagus (Chl))

There's nothing brutal about being Christian, unless their lyrics are about spreading Christianity throughout the World like a plague, destroying people's ways of life and forcing beliefs down their throats. Then I guess that is pretty brutal..
Not to start an argument or piss anyone off, but I notice that there is a lot of backlash towards many of the better known slam/ brutal bands, such as Guttural Engorgement, Condemned, Dysentery, and Lividity. They are like the Cannibal Corpse's of slam, in that they have all released at least one good album, yet people can't seem to stop pointing out their shortcomings. But, when any unknown band with trash can drums releases an album, this forum embraces it. Why is that?

These bands you've listed are not the Cannibal Corpses of Slam..
Cannibal Corpse along with Morbid Angel, Deicide & Obituary created what we know as death metal today. The bands that would end up having these same type of influences on slam are the following:

Disgorge (US) - First demo in 1992.

Afterbirth - 1993 - Psychopathic Embryotomy (Demo)

Scattered Remnants 94'

Repudilation from NYC in 96/97'

Eternal Suffering 96/97'

Devourment 97'

Vomit Remnants 97'

Dehumanized 98'

Entorturement 98'

Malthusia/Sect of Execration 00'

Condemned (who I love btw didn't come out w/ a demo until 2005).
Dysentery demo 02'
Guttural Engorgement 07'
The only band you mentioned that could be considered is Lividity. Their first demo in 95'. However they are more Grindcore.
I'm massively bored. I was thinking about... I believe it was V5 that coined the term "Funeral Slam."

Going through my itunes and facebook... I posted the status
Justin... is a Slam Pig. (got the idea from the Amputated song with the same name)

Slam Pig = person who enjoys slam death metal.

sikfuk and guttural engorgement are the one two that ill listen to.the other bands are all absolutely horrible. especially DIP