Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Those look like two albums I want. Blasphemer is fucking crazy, and I liked Flesh Consumed's Mutilate, eviscerate, decapitate... weird artwork.
It's just the way the music is. They arent making it hard to listen to... it's just hard to listen to in general... lots of black metal is this way too. You just have to accept it for what it is to be able to hear the beauty in the beast.
I guess I can be satisfied with this, maybe I just have hearing problems.
I'd rather listen to Internal Bleeding then any newer Brutal Death Metal band. Regardless Pyrexia,Internal Bleeding,Suffocation,etc.. all ripped off Baphomet. The Dead Shall Inherit is ten times better/unique/original and interesting then anything from either of these bands. All these bands have an urban vibe. In a lot of ways no knew bands actually sound/resemble them who are influenced by them so really who gives a shit, not the samething, bands influenced by these bands are not tradtional musicians nor influenced by or listen to anything these bands listened too, they pick out specific elements and replicate them lacking any real influences,musicianship or genuine quality. Brutal DM, what a fucking joke.
What you trollin' for mister?

The sad part is, he feels the need to post something like that every once and a while, pretty much saying the same thing every time. Just ignore him, he's a drama queen.


All these bands have an urban vibe. In a lot of ways no knew bands actually sound/resemble them who are influenced by them so really who gives a shit, not the samething, bands influenced by these bands are not tradtional musicians nor influenced by or listen to anything these bands listened too, they pick out specific elements and replicate them lacking any real influences,musicianship or genuine quality.

He's apparently mentally retarded, unless that's some type of code I'm not familiar with.
I'd rather listen to Internal Bleeding then any newer Brutal Death Metal band. Regardless Pyrexia,Internal Bleeding,Suffocation,etc.. all ripped off Baphomet. The Dead Shall Inherit is ten times better/unique/original and interesting then anything from either of these bands. All these bands have an urban vibe. In a lot of ways no knew bands actually sound/resemble them who are influenced by them so really who gives a shit, not the samething, bands influenced by these bands are not tradtional musicians nor influenced by or listen to anything these bands listened too, they pick out specific elements and replicate them lacking any real influences,musicianship or genuine quality. Brutal DM, what a fucking joke.

Your an idiot. Go masturbate to your old Dismember tapes and cry about how bands have evolved.
Brutal DM fans like you make me want to flip the fuck out. You both fuck off.
Evolving to me is about starting from the beginning and evolving. I'm not going to get into some discussion with people who listen to shit bands that are just really not even 2 percent as good as the originators who are poorly influenced by bands. You fuck.
A Tree, A flower, a structure, whatEVER is not automatically all of the sudden one. If that makes any sense or makes my point of why I hate a lot of fucking bands these days. Brutal DM is like a fucking rock or something. I don't know.
Your an idiot who is bashing a genre simply because you do not like it. Fuck off you ignorant troll.