Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Nice purchases! Here's my Devo collection


Fuck man, soon I hope to be on that level, well see what they have for sale at MDF. Nice collection bro :kickass:

New Putridity song and the cover art is excellent it's been a long time waiting for a good cover by Zig (a lot of his last work is just decent).
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My Ezophagothomia hasn't come in yet, but I've been able to find a copy finally online. Good album so far. Gorgasm's new one is a bit better off the first listen but I'll give it some time to sink in.
Has anyone else listened to Extermination Dismemberment? Really cool Czech shit. I like 'em anyway, and haven't heard them discussed before.
Any reason, or they're just not good? And I found them to be at least somewhat enjoyable. But I'm too open minded about my death metal....
Any reason, or they're just not good? And I found them to be at least somewhat enjoyable. But I'm too open minded about my death metal....

I'm with you mate, thought it was all good. Check out Razor Rape and Pighead too if you haven't already. :kickass:
Yeah bro I'll check them out. And to clarify, CD is from Belarus, they are not Czech. My bad, you guys.....
Anyone here is familiar with Gory Delivery Conceived To Prevail? I tend to judge BDM albums by their covers, which I know is stupid, but this one caught my attention immediately. Is it good or not?

And what about new Gorgasm? My friend told me it blew his fucking balls off. Any thoughts?