Bubba wants a new guitar.......

Mistress Masie

Apr 3, 2003
Seattle eh?
My spawn has decided that on his 15th birthday (in two weeks) he would like an electric guitar.

I myself am an accoustic enthusiast so I know nothing about all the bells & whistles that go with electric playing.

Any words of advice on brands? Equipment? What would be a good begginner electric? He does play accoustic now.

Momma is kinda poor so keep that in mind.

Any input would be most helpful.

Spawn hahaha

If I called my demons kids "spawn" I would be poisoned @ diner. there is a small company called Tridition who put out qual guitars for about $120 US.Or I have a Kramer Strat Copy for sale!!
I recommend a starter pack, unless you want to spend more than $300, but remember, you get what you pay for.

A couple of good options

BC Rich pack

Epiphone (by Gibson) les paul pack (I honestly don't know the quality of this)

Squier (by Fender) Strat Pack


All of these should be good starting packs, but its kind of dependant of what he plays as to which one would probobly be best.

Hope this is somewhat helpful.
Ibanez. Good quality, good sound, pretty affordable. Dimarzio pickups too. THE PICKUPS ARE KEY HERE!!!!

But since he's just starting, don't worry about it.
get him an ESP/ltd F50, a strap, some 10 watt amp, and that should hold him over till he realizes what he has gotten himself into.
Lol, you could always be a smart-ass and buy some ratty acoustic guitar from a pawn shop, punch a hole into the frame, then hang an AC adapter or something from the hole. Walla! An electric guitar! Heheh, the look on your spawn's face would be priceless, especially if he opened your gift in front of friends.
Well if he's just starting out, I highl;y reccomend he start on acoustic, then move on to electric in a year or so after learning the basics. If he's gradu-tating to electric, then a Made in Mexico Fender Strat would be a great starter, or perhaps a lower end Ibanez. It all depends on how much you're willing to spend.

If you got a cool 15 G's lying around, I reccomend this ;)
