
Salvatore said:
Buckethead was mentioned before in another thread.
I found this video. It's quite possible the coolest video I have ever seen .
I havent heard much of his music before. But I'm running out to get a few cd's after seeing and hearing this. Buchethead rules, check it out.

ive never seen this guy before this post, so I checked out some other videos, pretty impressive, even with that stupid KFC bucket on his head.
He played guitar for Primus among others...

He seems pretty cool last year when Zakk was talking about quitting Ozzy's band to concentrate on BLS Sharon offered Buckethead the spot....Which he accepted..Then she told him he couldn't play with his bucket on and he immediatley turned the offer down...Sharon offered him 2 million dollars to play without the bucket and he said no...This guy is probably far from rich and turning down that evil bitch and her money showed character at least (Bad judgement....But character!!)

Evil Dead said:
who is he?
In an interview with Revolver, Ozzy Osbourne stated that he had offered to have Buckethead play for him at Ozzfest. Ozzy quickly changed his mind after meeting with him when Buckethead refused to go on stage without a disguise:

"I tried out that Buckethead guy. I met with him and asked him to work with me but only if he got rid of the fucking bucket. So I came back a bit later and he's wearing this green fucking Martian's-hat thing. I said, 'Look, just be yourself!' He told me his name was Brian, so I said that's what I'd call him. He says, 'No one calls me Brian except my mother.' So I said, 'Pretend I'm your mum then!' I haven't even got out of the room and I'm already playing fucking mind games with the guy. What happens if one day he's gone and there's a note saying, 'I've been beamed up'? Don't get me wrong, he's a great player. He plays like a motherfucker!"
Buckethead also has a new dvd out. I have it and it is definitely worth the 12.00 bucks I paid for it. I would check out "Monsters and Robots" that is my favorite by him. "Colma" is pretty good also.

He is pretty much like the fourth member of Primus because everytime I have seen him he has came out and jammed with them at every Primus show I have been too. He not only rips on the guitar he also can fuck some nunchucks up too:zombie: .