
WHo teh FUCK calls himself buckethead.......wtf crappy gimmick: I don't care how fuckin good he is, he's still a fag for wearing a KFC Bucked on his head and a Joey Jordison mask :erk:
Lithium said:
WHo teh FUCK calls himself buckethead.......wtf crappy gimmick: I don't care how fuckin good he is, he's still a fag for wearing a KFC Bucked on his head and a Joey Jordison mask :erk:

Think the mask is called a kabuki mask or something similar :)
Lithium said:
WHo teh FUCK calls himself buckethead.......wtf crappy gimmick: I don't care how fuckin good he is, he's still a fag for wearing a KFC Bucked on his head and a Joey Jordison mask :erk:

buckethead has been around longer then slipknot...
Holy fuck. I listened to his songs that suck ass but that shit was bomb. He's a fuckin alien and his shit sounds alien too. And I just fuckin waked and baked soo its all good hahaha.
LOl check his website....he's raised with chickens that fucked up his face or something, what a retard.

His Playing is awesome imo
War_Blade, cmon.....what's with the KFC bucket......It's a GIMMICK, this way, he wants to attract insecure frustrated teen fagz who want to know all about the ''mistery'' about buckethead. And he commercialises KFC which fuckin sucks, they don't treat their chickens right :erk:
or maybe is just isn't confident...

lol im sure he isn't trying to scare people.. i mean he fucking break dances on stage and uses numchucks. I just think that he is a strange guy.
Yes and all that ''mystery'' is all part of the gimmick......when Ozzy talked to him he insisted on being called ''buckethead'', wouldn't show his / her face (who says It's a dude anyway :lol:) and was acting like a complete retard....his playing is awesome....but still, he's a waste of potential, cos hes missing a more general and loving audience such as myself by acting this way :erk: