you all suck at guitar

Hahahaha Michael Angelo fucking sucks at guitar. Its sooooo boring and predictable. Sweet he can play really fast, but thats all, a lot of people can play fast and still know fuck all about writing a good song.
shapeup said:
Sweet he can play really fast, but thats all, a lot of people can play fast and still know fuck all about writing a good song.

I have to agree with him. There's no point in being a fast shredder if there's no progression or direction in your solo. Without direction, being really fast is just plain useless. If you want extreme shredding with progression, listen to some of Dragonforce's stuff (particularly "Through the Fire & the Flames").

And why in hell does he need a fucking quad-necked guitar? All it does for me is cause me to split my sides in laughter. :lol:
w3ll, 1 th1nk u h4v3 a b3tt3r r3p th4n m3, s0 why d0n7 U g0 ah34d 4nd m4k3 0ne? :lol: