bud and col leave exhumed!!!

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
i saw exhumed last night in SF and they announced that both bud and col are leaving the band. NO FUCKING GOOD!!! i cant remember a show as great as theirs. bud puking was always a highlight, i even made an avatar of it!!! not to mention have many pictures of him puking on my wall.

they are one of my all time favorite bands and the only band in my entire collection that i own all cds of.

i hope they can get a new drummer and bass player soon! i dont want exhumed to die! and i hope bud and col do well in other projects

i bow to thee! :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
i dont know why col is leaving (he did play in SF as well as bud). i hear bud is leaving because he cant tour. he is a teacher and doesnt want to lose his students.

they do have replacements for the tour, but i believe they are only temporary
Jaded said:
uh, i dunno where you guys have been, but bud and col have been gone for a while. leon from impaled is doing bass duties, i forget whos behind the kit.
Sadly, i've been living under a rock these days :erk:.

i hear bud is leaving because he cant tour. he is a teacher and doesnt want to lose his students.
No wonder why he's leaving. It's kind of hard being a musician and a teacher as well to earn money.
btw genocide, ultimate, my site is starting to do a UM (so to speak) and start hosting official forums. one of them is exhumed, moderated by the great leon ;p(impaled, now exhumed), with chaosbreed, crematorium and some others. lotta big forums to be added soon, so if you wanna come chill, its at http://smnnews.com/board/
thats interesting jaded. quick question about getting a board there. what does it cost? i know a site who may be interested, provided its very cheap or free. www.ncmu.com