That might be the funniest thing I have ever read on here. You are completely delusional if you think I am crying or whining because of what anyone says to me on a forum.
What is being a dick? Giving my opinion on the Bushthrax era vs Anthrax era? Very rarely do I ever go into personal attacks. I may think someone is an idiot because of their opinion and I have no problem pointing that out. But I won't go into their personal lives and say that they need a beat down, or that they are assholes and should be hung, drawn, and quartered etc.
I will always hate the BushThrax band and will always love Anthrax. I will always consider Anthrax a band that broke up after POT and BushThrax a band that started when SOWN came out.
I will always think the BushThrax years were terrible and was the reason that this band almost had to call it quits. Vol 8, Stomp and WCFYA are almost so bad it is laughable. The fact that some people on here think its the best "Anthrax" material there is makes me want to jump through my screen and shake someone, slap them, and give them electroshock therapy. Give me a break
Anthrax was a THRASH METAL band. They changed to something different and it sucked. (SOWN is decent for what it's worth) but after than the albums were Garbage and John Bush was not the only reason.
If you are on this forum and diss the Anthrax years I will always be here to give you shit. Thats just how it is.
I am sure if I met most of you bushthrax fans in person we'd have a drink and get a long. BUt on a forum I can really give a fuck as these forums are here for discussions and not to make friends