Buddhist Response to Islamist Bigotry

MajestikMøøse said:
actually, Hinduism (and Buddhism which stemmed from it) is neither a philosophy or a religion. Use of the terms "philosophy" or "religion" as they're understood in western languages are highly inadequate.
Accully, Buddhism is older then Hinduism. Hinduism was spawned as a reaction against Buddhism among other religions. It evolved from Brahmanism, but not the same. :) Not that any of that matters in this discussion.

This reminds me of somthing (that has nothing to do with you, unless it does, but I don't have you in mind.):

That people that are so anti-Christian accept Buddhism as being so rad. I will never understand that.
I'm anti-Christian as a practice, but not as a theory or something. Jesus was like, pretty cool and stuff. It's the nowadays dudes that make me fart in their general direction.
Vilden said:
Accully, Buddhism is older then Hinduism. Hinduism was spawned as a reaction against Buddhism among other religions. It evolved from Brahmanism, but not the same. :) Not that any of that matters in this discussion.

well, I'm just going by the time of Siddhartha's life and the estimated time that the Rig Veda was composed to say that Hinduism is earlier.

But hey, it's the distinction between Brahmanism and Hinduism that I'm confused with. Care to elaborate so I will know the difference in the future? :)
i dig a lot of stuff about buddhism, but not enough to make me follow it as a religion...i still think things like samsara are intriguing concepts...they're quite different from christian principles imo
i have been maintaining the website of probably the largest Buddhist Vihara in the NY Tri-State area for well over 5 years.
If I was ever to follow anything, it will probable be Buddhism. Reading through the Dhammapada and other writings, it all makes sense to everyday life and have yet to hear or read any nonsense that kind of puts fear in you ... like the "guilt" in other religions.

Buddhism is definetelly a philosophy more so than anything else, although there is a lot of meditation involved.

Another thing that makes it totally credible for me, is that they ARE NOT ALLOWED TO ASK FOR MONEY. There is no begging, like in the Catholic church, everything is completly voluntary, and the monks I met seem totally genuine and ready to help you. For all the time I have been working with them, they never once asked me to donate to the Vihara, and have always paid for my services timely.
MajestikMøøse said:
well, I'm just going by the time of Siddhartha's life and the estimated time that the Rig Veda was composed to say that Hinduism is earlier.

But hey, it's the distinction between Brahmanism and Hinduism that I'm confused with. Care to elaborate so I will know the difference in the future? :)
I'm not really sure to be honest but according to my books hinduism is not as dependant on priests and you can show your devotion to the gods without them. Also alot of the classic gods like Shiva, Vishnu, etc. doesn't appear in brahmanism as well as the whole personal god thing (I think). But yeah, as Hinduism is an evolution of brahmanism (it was the priests that felt that they losed power because buddhism and jainism, etc. didn't recognize the cast system which was a central part in brahmanism so they needed to freshen up their ideas abit. :p) so i guess you can say in a way that buddhism came from hinduism.

MajestikMøøse said:
btw your seal is super cute ^_^