Buffer Size and Latency isssues on Pro Tools LE


Badman rudeboy
Apr 10, 2005

I was tracking my guitar parts today for our new demo. This time round we are recording using the pod xt to monitor and DI'ing at the same time for reamping later on. Im finding it quite hard to record tightly while hearing the clean and distorted sound. Certain things on the clean pop out, its hard to explain, not comfortable recording anyhow!

I was wondering if anyone could recommend to lower my H/w Buffer size. At the moment I can lower it to 256. On my brothers PC I was able to lower to 128 or 64 if i remember correctly. Im running a MacBook Pro Intel, running Pro Tools 7.1 with 1gb Ram. This mac is much more powerful then his PC. Is there anyway to lower the buffersize below 256?

Also is there anyway to see what latency I have on my input and output. I looked through all the menus, but couln't find anything. Thanks very much.
i think thats as low as the buffer size goes on the mac version of le! have you tried enabling low latency montoring?
Its the Mbox so it has direct monitoring. I havent seen the low latency one, I'll have a look for it. Is there anyway to find the latency I have? Because if I do I can cut each take by that amount to bring it back in time.
you should monitor direct when tracking, then out the system when listening back. Unfortunately theres no way of avoiding hearing the clean sound when in direct mode.