BUGERA.... How about?


Chilean Rocker
Dec 16, 2006
Santiago, Chile
I've just seen this BUGERA posts arround here and i was quite surprised with the similarity of the 5150 tone. But.
So it made me think: How about if you get one and modify it to match the 5150? That job could be easily done if u have any experienced audio-geek friend. It would be a matter of changing values, replacing something here and there. etc. U could even get it to the point its a exact same replica.

That sounds tempting and could save me a lot of money (Im thinking about getting a 5150)
Unless anyone here could sell me one for cheap:Smug:

Sounds like fun?
i don't know about internationally, but the new price of teh 6260($549) isn't much less than a used 5150, which would make it MORE expensive to get the bugera, then have to re-tube, re-bias, re-cap, etc. etc.
Well...biasing your own amp would save you some money...tubes aren't all that expensive...I'm not savvy on caps and what they cost. But the thing is, you would be buying a brand new amp, not a used one. Regardless of who is making it, these amps get really good quality reviews, with some people saying they seem more solid than the Peaveys they are copying. I'll make that judgement when I get my 333, but I've owned 3 or 4 Peaveys and they are very solid...maybe these people are on crack or something. I bought my first 5150 used...but everything after it has been brand spankin' new. Something just a little different when you are the first person to own it :)
