Building a new PC for 'studio' workflow, recommendations?

honestly, for a PC that's only going to be doing audio work, a high-end video card shouldn't much be necessary, should it? i mean, as long as the shit can process whatever's going on with the GUI, everything should be all good...
I don't recall anyone asking for a gaming PC in the thread though :)

True. I was only commenting on my current rig. What it has and that it does double duty pretty easily.
I had only mentioned decent video cards in passing in my first post. "Should get something CrossfireX or SLI ready if you want dual monitors with good graphics if you are ever going to game on it. 2 decent video cards as well." That was in response to talk of the power supply. Some PSU are not capable of SLI or CrossfireX. Totally not a concern if, well, it's not a concern!