Building Studio / Starting Business Come on in :)

Hello Guys,

So The time has come for me to invest and build my own studio. I've been an intern at studio Fredman, and i've feelt that i have learned allot,
and in many ways improved my mixes and recording skills. So i've decided to take a big leap out into the unknown and invest my heart and soul into this project.(drama all the way;)).
Im still gonna keep my part time job, but its nightshift so i have 20days/month off so there is gonna be plenty of time for me to be in the studio.

I hired an architect to give me building advices and to draw my studio. I dont have unlitimited founds but i wanted to get the best that i can with the money i got.
The budget i have is around 10-12000 eruos. And that includes money for gear.

The studio is gonna be about 35m2 splitted in 2 rooms. And then additional 10-15m2 for bathroom etc.

So i thought i'd share the for you all what im gonna purchase for you to give me some inputs on the gear im about to buy.


Oktava Mk 012 StereoPair (for OH) 300euro
Shure Drumkit Set (Inlcudes 4sm57 + Beta52) 600eruo
Peluos 2247 (main vocal mic) 1500euro

Cables / Stands etc 3-400eruo

Soundcard / Preamps etc

API 3124+ 4ch. micpreamp (used market) 2000eruo
Audient 8ch micpreamp through ADAT 1600eruo
DIGI 002 (i got one alreadY) 0eruo

Amps / Cabs etc

ENGL 4x12 V30 1000eruo
Peavey 5150 600eruo

I might not buy the Audient,5150 and the Peluso at once, i already got amps, microphones
but they are sure on my wish list. And I really was about to buy an HD system but if i get clients
on a regular basis i will for sure invest in that in the near future.
So please come with inputs, advice or just wish me good luck :)
And i will post some pictures and updates on how it is proceeding

Cheers / Christian SWE

(edit: Yes 4 sm57 not 4 sm7:))
What are you thinking for a rate? per hour or per day or whatever. How many days a year do you see yourself recording?

If you get everything on that list, that's half the budget...And the other half will go towards construction? That doesn't seem like enough money to scratch the surface...

That's only around 17K in US dollars.
It's totally possible with that amount of money. Two guys in my area are doing it right now with only 3k EUR more. Their place will turn out nice I'm sure.
Thnks for the response. :)

I've planned the construction of the studio carefully. My father is a carpenter so I wont have to pay any contractors, so that only for material costs, and getting the electric done.

The architect wont be drawing the entire studio from scratch, he pointed out some thing we should consider, and when we done the isolation, walls and floors he'll be stopping by to measure the sound, and then draw additional bass trapps etc.

I got the Yamaha hs80 monitors, and i know em inside out, so i wont be buying new monitors for now atleast.

Rates... hmm well first of all i have to get myself some clients, but im gonna start cheap (swedes are cheap bastards ;)) perhaps 100-120euro/day but i wont be turning down bands if money is the issue, you can always make some kind of deal :).

Well i will probably spend about 2 full weeks per month in the studio to begin with. But if all goes well, and thats what i wish for then i have no problem to work a little bit less on my regular job.

When you say architect, do you mean a guy that usually draws houses and apartments for a living, or one that actually knows (and not just claims he does) a lot about acoustics?
He is an architect that draws studios. Dont know the english word for it sorry.

But he's been drawing professional studios since the late 70's, so I dont have to worry that he's not competent in he's area of expertise.
Do you mean shure SM7 or SM57 in this drumkit set for 600€ ???

I would invest in an SM7 and an Audio technica or Rode for Vocals.
If you buy both mics (sm7 and rode NT2A for example) you save 800€.

Also you can save good money and wait with the audient and go with Mackie F series with adat or focusrite. They both sound great!!!

And when you go for the API you you will have 4 world class micpres. that enough for the start.
(After tracking drums you wont need more than 4 at the same time)
For example 3 mics guitar-cab + one DI, One vocal track, 2Bass Mics + 1 DI....

And you can get a lot of sound with little money out of a room.
Think about Tue Madsens first drum-room!!!!

Cheers and good luck
He is an architect that draws studios. Dont know the english word for it sorry.

But he's been drawing professional studios since the late 70's, so I dont have to worry that he's not competent in he's area of expertise.

Good to hear man! I'm really looking forward to see how this goes. Make sure to take lots of pictures as you go long ;)
