Bulb - A new song up on myspace and soundclick! (Axefx, Jp6, BKP Painkiller)


Jan 4, 2007
Hey guys

Havent really had much time to write anything new as of late what with us working on the Periphery full length. But today Tom had to cancel bass tracking so that he could pick up a much needed shift at work, so i had the day to myself and decided to record something new with some ideas i had been sitting on.

The song is called "Froggin' Bullfish" and you can hear it here:

Used the JP6 with the Painkiller in the bridge on this one and my friend's amazing Pedulla bass that he is kindly letting us borrow for the album.

Well you are quite a odd guy... :lol:
You don't have you're bands bassist around, so you decide to make new song? Don't get me wrong, that's amazing! Why ruin your work-spirit or flow, if you can make a new song?!...or a part of it at least. Wonderful.
And yes, the song is good too! Very bulbish and great too! I'm sure this will turn to a good song one day! I enjoyed it at least.
It's so frustrating when i have tons of ideas in my head but no time to put them tape/hard drive. Then they just slowly vanish :D

hehe thats why i record, so i dont forget my ideas, i have the worst memory ever sadly...
hehe thats why i record, so i dont forget my ideas, i have the worst memory ever sadly...

Have you ever left an idea alone for so long that you forget how to play some parts? I'll do that and have to relearn my own parts from a recording...

Awesome song, though
hehe thats why i record, so i dont forget my ideas, i have the worst memory ever sadly...
I doubt that you musical memory is the worst. The reason I switched to Reaper is the faster loading time, every other DAW takes too long to start and I have forgotten everything before the record button even appears.
I have the voice recorder app on my cell phone configured on the main button so I can record just something very very quick.
I really like this tune a lot. The guitars have a really nice character to them that's just luscious!
thanks a lot!!
splat88: coming from you that means a lot man, thanks!!
jeds: that happens all the time, thats why i record songs as write so that later i can always reexamine what i did and figure out how i played it haha.
rif: i actually just use the webcam on my comp so i can see how i played it as well, in fact two riffs from the song are "webcam riffs"!