Bulb - A new song up on myspace and soundclick! (Axefx, Jp6, BKP Painkiller)

The bass tone is ... possibly the best I've ever heard. :OMG: Really. Amazing.

Only thing I can say is that I prefer it when your drums are louder. They're a tad buried in this and I think the songs work better with loud drums.
Guitar Pro dude !!!

That's Exactly what I do when I have my laptop in hand.

I doubt that you musical memory is the worst. The reason I switched to Reaper is the faster loading time, every other DAW takes too long to start and I have forgotten everything before the record button even appears.
I have the voice recorder app on my cell phone configured on the main button so I can record just something very very quick.
The reason that makes you switch to Reaper is very funny! :lol:
Cell Phone is also a very useful tool to record quickly ideas of mind.

@Bulb: just one day relax and a webcam for this stuff? :-< Your inspiration is amazing! :worship:
Only thing I can say is that I prefer it when your drums are louder. They're a tad buried in this and I think the songs work better with loud drums.

That was the first thing I said to him on msn the other night.
thats my only complaint with this track though, its fucking gorgeous otherwise.
theres like 10 guitar tracks in the intro aparrently haha.
thanks very much guys!
Only thing I can say is that I prefer it when your drums are louder. They're a tad buried in this and I think the songs work better with loud drums.

you are absolutely right about that man!
honestly i just havent mixed this song yet, i spent all day writing/recording this song and by the time i was done with it my ears were really fatigued and everything sounded terrible to me so i didnt bother mixing...
i need to go back and actually mix it now, i think i may have rolled off a tad too much highs/high mids off of the guitars and the drums are definitely a bit soft because of all the guitar tracks that i have going on this song so they could use a little boost!
Bumping this...................

I swear, this isn't your standard syncopated rythms... This is music.

Sit back and listen to it......

This is the shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bulb - I HELLA NEED AN AXEFX!!!!!!!!!!