Bulb - New Pop/Rock song up on myspace and soundclick!

Kick doesn't blend well with the rest of the mix and the mix as a whole is pretty dark. Other than that I am lovin' every second of the song!
Sounds freakin' AWESOME !

I love it. Nothing to complain about.

I prefer that stuff way more than your djent stuff.

By the way what did you use for guitars on that one ? Axe Fx ? Engl Invader ? Something else ? They sound badass. Very defined, clear, aggressive and crunchy.
Sounds freakin' AWESOME !

I love it. Nothing to complain about.

I prefer that stuff way more than your djent stuff.

By the way what did you use for guitars on that one ? Axe Fx ? Engl Invader ? Something else ? They sound badass. Very defined, clear, aggressive and crunchy.

thanks dude
its the axefx as usual, and actually this song has very little post eq going on as well
Dude I demand that we get some vocals on that track, I don't care who sings it I just want to hear more unleashed bulb awesomeness. Grade Fucking A, will have to be my new fav along with Heliovice.
haha worry not i really want to get some vox on the track, id honestly like to see what chris or tom could do over this track if im honest!

mart: thanks for the kind words man, but im just a kid who makes music in his room for whatever reason, im glad you dig the song though!