Bulb - Metal Foundry Test Clip!

I am digging the kick and the cymbal sounds a lot, but I really don't like the snare at all man. :(

Everything else sounds wicked as usual. :)
Sounds good, but I wouldn't necessarily say it's an improvement over the regular S2.0 stuff.

well in all fairness i have spent a few days with this as opposed to over a year with 2.0, i think the potential is there, i just need to sit down with it!
Yeah, that's a definitely a fuck weird sounding snare. I don't think it sounds bad per se, just sounds wrong in the context though really.
Isn't soundclick capped at 128Kbps too?:erk:

Get that shit on Dropbox from now on, the preferred place to have people upload and listen to clips.
You're a weirdo Gareth.
Snare is good, just not in this context. Sounds more like a snare you'd put in a post metal tune or something.
thanks for the honest feedback guys!
its funny, i posted this on a handful of forums, and im just getting completely love/hate responses with the snare, not really sure how to take that, i do agree the verb needs to be adjusted for sure, but i definitely love the tonality of a nice high snare, might try to bring a bit more body out of it and get it sounding a little less boxy, but i just love the smack and pop you can get out of it.
periphery album will still be 2.0 though haha, but maybe some of the bands i record in the near future will be mf!
I like the snare personally. Take it down a tiny bit and you're set. You get some of the best sounds out of Toontrack's products that I've heard. :kickass:
snare is great but I think it'd sound better a little darker, if that makes sense. the best part of metal foundry, imo, are the kicks - the stock sd2 ones are terrible but the tmf ones are fucking amazing.
Sounds really good, man. What snare are you using?

off-topic: I wonder if anyone is capable of doing anything with an 8-string guitar that does not sound exactly like Meshuggah.

Considering they've been around since the 19th century, it's pretty fair to say the idea to use them in genres other than metal and more specifically in Djent style came up a long time ago