Bulb - New Axefx Ultra Clip


Jan 4, 2007
Hey guys
So i have been a-tweaking and have made some progress (i hope!)
Got a different rhythm sound out of which which i prefer to the old one, and dialed the treble and presence back a bit for insta-lead tones! I also have been tweaking the drum sound, since the axe-fx just gives me more room to work with!
Anyways you can hear the clip here:
http://www.myspace.com/iambulb (2nd song on the playlist)

Wow... amazing...

Have you tried the Recabinet demo with the AxeFX yet? Some of the guys from the Fractal Audio forum are digging it. I have to get one of these units...
wow thanks so much guys! im glad you approve!
recabinet? i havent even heard of it, what is it and where can i get it!?

Sounds great! I must say I think i dig this sound much more than your PodXT sounds. More meat and less raspy fizz, even though I love your old stuff. It's a tad dark imo, but the meat is there.

I want an Axe-Fx soooooo bad!

Do you use any of the features that only come with the Ultra?

thanks a lot guys!
ill definitely have to check out recabinet, looks very intriguing, especially if i can just drop the impulse files into the user slots!

jdavis: i dont think i have been using any ultra only features just yet, and the amp is the fas modern.

metally: yeah its superior 2, and programmed with the good ol' point n clicker haha!
jdavis: i dont think i have been using any ultra only features just yet, and the amp is the fas modern.

FAS Modern, the Cliff given right to djent! It's an amp made by the Axe-FX designer/builder/programmer Cliff Chase. If that amp was made IRL he could've made a fortune of that too.

I've listened to it a couple of more times now, Misha, and a tad more high end wouldn't hurt, especially if you're using the Hires mono cab. But man, everything sounds fatter! Not only the drums are beefier, but all instruments have their own (huge)place now. Awesome job man.
I am absolutely digging it, Misha! The Axe FX was definitely a step up from the POD.

What are you using for bass now?
thanks for the bday wishes, i hate getting older though, i wish i was like that one race in star trek TNG where they get younger every year...
im actually down to about 4 or 5 plugins total on my mix these days thanks to the axefx and s2.0, no processing on the guitars though!

I've listened to it a couple of more times now, Misha, and a tad more high end wouldn't hurt, especially if you're using the Hires mono cab. But man, everything sounds fatter! Not only the drums are beefier, but all instruments have their own (huge)place now. Awesome job man.

ah thanks for that, you know i have been overly self conscious about my mixes being a bit too bright and fatigue inducing and i think it has caused me to overcompensate, so ill be sure to adjust that!