Bulb - New quick rough song idea, and working on a brand new Metal Foundry mix!


Jan 4, 2007
Hey guys, i have been a bit busy so i havent had much time to record much new stuff for myself.

I did start this idea with the plan of fleshing it out a bit more (you can hear how at the end it kinda just...stops haha) but i just wont have any time in the next few weeks to work on it so i figured i would post it up now.

I have all this awesome toontrack software that they sent me and i havent had time to mess with any of it. This was my attempt to get my metal foundry mix going, it obviously needs a lot of TLC, but i see so much potential with these samples, i think when i have time to really sit down with it ill be able to get a nice balanced mix from this that sounds very different from my current Periphery one which will be very refreshing to say the least!

Anyways enough talking, the song is called "Have a blast" and you can hear it here:

god damnit you are such a ridiculous player (and i mean that in a good way!). As far as the mix it sound a bit dark, but i can get over that from those riffs. Sick song btw
hey mish its alex from up in canada! Post snare settings from the album snare! are you using the blackbeauty? let me know! Im digging this new mix too man! theres definetly a lot of potential with the metal foundry!