Bulb/Periphery - Racecar Updated!

ah thanks so much dudes, im really happy with the song writingwise, but productionwise to me its a total mess, im not happy at all with the snare or the guitar tone haha but thats cuz i didnt mix it since this was really just to lay the ideas down before i forgot them hehe. I plan on rerecording the whole thing a lot tighter and with a newer mix sometime soon!

the guitar is my carvin 7 into a podxt as usual
its the bigbottom amp and v30 cab and yeah there is quite a bit of postprocessing to help the tone sit well in the mix (changes in every mix though) but no impulses or anything like that, i like the pod cab emulation honestly.
do you use a multiband compressor like the waves c4? What eq's do you use? ANything plugs that you really like on guitars?
Bulb i admit, you are a fucking god and you inspire me. Maybe that doesn't mean shit to you but it does to me :D !
I have been listening your stuff since 2004 ? Still dig everything.....nothing owns THE WALK !!
do you use a multiband compressor like the waves c4? What eq's do you use? ANything plugs that you really like on guitars?

to be honest i dont really like the c4's because they arent very transparent.
i just use the nuendo eqs and voxengo curve eq, either of those on guitar is great!
Bulb i admit, you are a fucking god and you inspire me. Maybe that doesn't mean shit to you but it does to me :D !
I have been listening your stuff since 2004 ? Still dig everything.....nothing owns THE WALK !!

aw thanks a lot man! its been a while since we last talked!!
hope things are going good in your corner!