Bulb/Periphery - Second Studio Update! Featuring Axefx, Blackmachine and Xander!


Jan 4, 2007
Hey guys, so we have been working on this album quite a bit and figured we should update you with a bit of whats going on.
Rhythm tracks are done, and a lot of the leads and cleans are as well, final bass tracks are about 1/3rd of the way complete and although the vocals are taking longer than expected, they are coming out amazing! (our next studio vid will be more vocal oriented!)

Anyways this is what we have been up to, keep an eye out for a quick cameo of Chris playing the TIL 8 string, and get to know our guitarist Alex and his counterpart Xander. In this video, Xander is Alex after 11-15 beers or so, Xander is obviously not allowed on tour but does make for good footage haha!

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Bulb - Your music is AWESOME! I loved that solo project you posted "Froggin' Bullish". You have a very unique sound, and I will definitely have to pick up the Periphery album when you're through!

Cheers - And thanks for posting! :headbang:
chris is a suprisingly solid guitar player!
you got a cushy little setup there bulb, i dig it
nice to hear some of your more old school shit in there too ;)
very nice indeed
Sounds great. Cannot wait for the finished product. It will still be out before the March Hare record.
Bulb = my hero! :worship:

i check the clubs on a local basis to see if Periphery will be coming to town (Burlington, VT). i can't wait to see your live show!
If I ask nicely can I have that Blackmachine!!?!?!?!?!?? :loco::loco::loco:

That is a nice Axe!!!

Great stuff but are you the only sane one of the bunch :saint: