burnin' down the house

I think i may have the oldest young kids here, but here is how I dealt with it when the oldest bloke was a wee lad, and a right cunt.... make them lay down for a while during the day, not to sleep to rest.

At night when they get up, put them back to bed they get the message really fucking quick, I am not advocating being an arse to your own child, but don't be lazy and for fuck sake be firm, they need you to be firm for a year or 2 then they get the message, I am always geting told how wel behaved my kids are these days and both have always slept well
Actually, we do get him to lay down in the day and at night we had been using the technique where you put them back into bed (everytime they get out) without saying a word - of course you give the nice good night first time then the second time its just good night, then silence. Anyway that wasnt really working he would just run around up to 50 times a night, thats why we trying the gate. Cheers for everyones ideas.
Winmar said:
I bumped into The Amazer on the streets of Melbourne last night. 'twas funny having a chance meeting like that. He and his lady were enjoying the mild evening. We still had a hot day yesterday, but last night was rather nice to walk around in.
last night was better in Adelaide:p it got down to 25C
At night when they get up, put them back to bed they get the message really fucking quick, I am not advocating being an arse to your own child, but don't be lazy and for fuck sake be firm, they need you to be firm for a year or 2 then they get the message, I am always geting told how wel behaved my kids are these days and both have always slept well

Good man, just like Super Nanny. :)