Burning the Prospect - No Great Design

Bleakest Harvest

\m/Misanthropic Hippy\m/
Nov 11, 2001
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Burning the Prospect - No Great Design
FETO Records - FETO0015 - 13 October 2008
By Paddy Wash


Burning the Prospect play brutal d-beat hardcore punk (of the variety that was pioneered by the hugely influential Discharge back in the 80s), and No Great Design could be counted as their first release proper, since their recorded output thusfar has consisted mainly of limited edition 7"s, in true D.I.Y. punk style. Now Boston (UK) may not be known as a hotbed of festering raucous hardcore, but Burning the Prospect have been part of what appears to be a burgeoning scene there for some tme now (a brief break up excepted). Clocking in at around 30 minutes long, No Great Design is joined by the band's first ever demo to beef up the running time.

Wth production duties handled by Anaal Nathrakh string-abuser Mick Kenny, No Great Design consists of a raw yet clear sound. Since there is a reliance on righteous anger and fist-pumpng riffs within this particular niche, Burning the Prospect never succumb to fucking around, content to let their riffs do the talking. 'Orwel Nation', 'Two Lives, Two Worlds', and 'We, the Accursed' are searing slices of hardcore punk, yet a creeping melodicism is at play that prevents them from sounding hackneyed. An emphasis is clearly on memorabilty over mindless bludgeon, and it shows. The title track even starts things off in quite a subtle way, before launching into a lurching riff that would be at home on a Neurosis album. The rather more grinding 6 demo tracks that complete this set are of just a high quality, although their rawer production is a little off-putting after the main album's listenabilty. Overall, No Great Design is damn near essential listening for fans of d-beat, hardcore, and even metallers, as it never tows the line of what can often be a narrow genre of music to exist in, and features consistently memorable materal with surprising depth.

Official Burning the Prospect Website

Official Burning the Prospect MySpace
Official FETO Records Website
Wow that's the best review we've ever had! Thanks!