Bush Pardons Thanksgiving turkey

they want to accelerate but the iraqis on the governing council don't particularly want the americans to go anytime soon. they know their heads are on a plate the minute the americans leave.

plus bush is all wrapped up in his cowboy/bring-em-on macho bullshit and I think he'll find it hard to pull the troops out without the job being done to a safe conclusion. they want to be out before the election so bad, but I think they'll find that to be a difficult task.
Also, I love how being at war somewhere, anywhere in the middle east means that our troops are on THE FRONTLINE IN THE WAR ON TERROR. Like the US military presence is some kind of fly paper or something.

In a sense, if you believe in the cold-war-esque domino theory of dictatorships falling to democracy once the people see how totally great it is, you could definitely make the case that a democratic Iraq is the frontline in eliminating radical Islamic terrorism. And I don't think that's terribly unreasonable. Why do I feel like this isn't what George Bush meant when he said that?
i wish people would stop killing people and stop wishing other people would get killed and also that they'd stop thinking they were always right.

One of the worst "I'm always right" people in politics today is Wesley Clark. In the profiles I've read of him, EVERYONE says that, repeatedly.

I'm iffy on voting for Clark for a bunch of reasons, although I'm more likely today than I was a week ago. I think that's potentially a problem down the line, though, when President Clark decides that selling nukes to our friend Saudi Arabia is a great idea and no one can dissuade him.
We have many at the moment (9?) But it's angling towards Howard Dean, Governor of Vermont, at this point. Maybe Gephardt or Lieberman, but most likely Dean. I'm into Dean getting nom. but I know he's almost certainly going to lose in spectacular fashion, particularly now that the Mass. Supreme Court has got everyone in a tizzy over gay marriage.
Dean's the front-runner, but I think Clark's the second-most-likely? his "talismanic" uniform is seen as a way to sway moderate and conservative voters, and liberals who are worried about national defence.
I don't know enough about any of 'em to say "I out-and-out like them", but Dean seems the best of the bunch. I think it's still very possible for Bush to be defeated, depending on events over the next twelve months.