Originally posted by Ragamuffin
I live in Chicago and he didn't say that.
You're sure about that? It was reported in the Toronto Metro a week ago. I'll see if I can find an online link for you.

Originally posted by Ragamuffin
I live in Chicago and he didn't say that.
Originally posted by nafnikufesin
You're sure about that? It was reported in the Toronto Metro a week ago. I'll see if I can find an online link for you.
The quotes was made last week, this is from the February 14 edition of the Metro:Originally posted by Ragamuffin
I'm very sure.
In fact he hasn't said anything in about a week since his mother died.
Originally posted in the Toronto Metro, February 14, page 22
Chicago shouldnt have been made in Canada: mayor
The U.S. government has
turned its back on American
filmmakers, forcing pictures
like Chicago to be
made in Canada, the citys
mayor said, reports.
The movie is great, Mayor
Richard Daley said. I said,
Too bad it wasnt filmed in
Filmed in Toronto, the
hit musical topped the
Oscar contender list with
13 nominations, including
best film. The adapted
stage play was also nominated
in the best actress,
best supporting actor and
actress and best director
The film industry in
America was going strong.
Canada says, OK we want
the film industry. We will
subsidize you. So all the
film industry went from
America to Canada, Daley
The government needs
to provide incentives to
American filmmakers to
keep them at home, he
We do the creative
work. We do the financial
work. Why should we send
the production work overseas?
Our priorities should
be keeping people working
in the film industry here,
Daley said.
Recently, actor Robert
Duvall lashed out at Canadian
actors, saying their
skills are inferior to their
American counterparts.
I prefer not to work in
Canada. I prefer to work in
my own country, Duvall
said. There are better actors
down here. Thats why
they have to import so
many actors for their Canadian
Metro Toronto news services
If you think bombing mostly innocent people is going to stop terrorism, you are incredibly naive. Moreover, it risks turning previous bystanders into enemies when they watch their innocent loved ones die.Originally posted by anthrax_moshing_maniac
it that have to bomb iraq to stop a war then do it they are only gonna bomb america or highjack planes again
Yeah, I know. What can I say, I like to be a shit-disturber sometimes.Originally posted by Thraude
You know we've been over this
My question is, why do you think they hate you so much? Why do you hate them so much? You've never even met them. You have a lot more in common than you might realize. You're both just trying to get by in life, but being fed propaganda by your own government that if we don't do something first, they will. Such great paranoia makes for great nationalism no matter what country you're from, because you can be unified in hating someone else that wouldn't have otherwise given a shit about you one way or the other. It's also great for the government leaders to create such a terrifying world, because it distracts attention from the shitty job they're doing at home. And I'm not trying to bash the US or Iraq, this is pretty much any government you can name, Canada included.Originally posted by Thraude
The "innocent" people over there feel the same way about America as I feel about them.
Originally posted by nafnikufesin
However, if Bush continues to act like a bully and threatens anyone that doesn't do exactly as he says, he's going to have a lot more enemies in this world than just Iraq. What then...blow up the rest of the world, too? And then he might have to blow up New York, because there are too many foreigners there, too. And then California...and then...
Sound ridiculous? Yes, but it's not anymore ridiculous than Dubya trying to find an excuse to start and finish the war that his daddy couldn't finish.
Originally posted by Ragamuffin
You dont plan something like that in that short a time, that's been in the works for a long time.
Originally posted by Ragamuffin
Who said any focus has been switched to anything from anything? It's not like America has suddenly pulled out of Afghanistan and sent everyone to Iraq. The biggest issues in Afghanistan have been taken care of (Al Qaeda has been turned to chaos and for the most part unorganized) And Iraq has taken the 'national spotlight' because that's the 'next step'.
Can we? The UN doesn't seem to agree, which put the sanctions in place doesn't seem to agree, and has not agreed to condone the war. The U.S. would be acting unilaterally, without the UN's support, so Bush says "Agree with me or else". Bush has said "War is our last option"...well, it's easy to get to the last option when you're only considering one option.Originally posted by Ragamuffin
These sanctions and rules were put on Iraq after the first war by the U.N. not by George The First. In his eight years Clinton only did the minimal checks he had to to make sure that Sadaam was following the rules. Guess what? He wasn't. And now that real checks have been done we can see that.
If their asses were kicked so badly, why is this still going on?Originally posted by Ragamuffin
Don't give me that 'finish what his dad started' shit because his dad finished what he started 10 years ago. Newsflash we not only won that war but we kicked their asses badly.
Originally posted by mentalmeltdown
Excuse me for asking, but what do we have to show for all the actions taken in Afghanistan?? Exactly, not much... a couple of collaborators of Bean Larden but no trace of him that's all - oh yes, the Afghanistan now have a new government... for how long? And how many people there still hate Americans? I'll bet they're a whole bunch and in a few years who's to say there won't be another Taliban nation there??
As for the focus changing from the war on terrorism to Iraq, I think that's one of the best public relations stunts in recent history - America's public opinion, or a big part of it, seems to have swallowed the idea of Iraq being the enemy all of a sudden.
Next step to what?? Now I'm afraid that any country that the "Dubya" has a beef with, might get bombed; this all urgency to wage war on Iraq is highly suspect to me...
Can we? The UN doesn't seem to agree, which put the sanctions in place doesn't seem to agree, and has not agreed to condone the war. The U.S. would be acting unilaterally, without the UN's support, so Bush says "Agree with me or else". Bush has said "War is our last option"...well, it's easy to get to the last option when you're only considering one option.
If their asses were kicked so badly, why is this still going on?
So it's okay to ignore the decisions of the U.N. as long as it's in the interests of what is best for your own country. Sounds like what Iraq is doing.Originally posted by Ragamuffin
Most of the U.N. seems to agree but as always there are countries that don't. If we have to go in without the support of the full U.N. though there won't be any hesitation. It's not 'agree with me or else' it's 'I'm doing whats best for MY country and don't need your approval.