Bush vs. Satan

I am not a diehard Hillary fan by any means, but I am always curious when I see remarks like this. I heard their former adviser Dick Morris call her a monster last night on Hannity & Colmes...

What makes her Satan, out of curiosity?

What exactly is it about her policy thoughts that you don't like?

read 'Dereliction of Duty' for an insight into the whack job known as Hillzilla.

she paints herself as a real 'modern woman,' yet, she rode her hubby's coattails to get where she is.

she's a paranoid delusional, the likes that Richard Nixon could never have dreamed of matching.

she bases all her decisions on popularity polls, rather than actually knowing the issues and putting any effort or thought into it.

she's a liar and a criminal, just like her hubby.

there's not a single reason to believe she could do anything but ruin this nation if she were elected as president.
I am not a diehard Hillary fan by any means, but I am always curious when I see remarks like this. I heard their former adviser Dick Morris call her a monster last night on Hannity & Colmes...

What makes her Satan, out of curiosity?

What exactly is it about her policy thoughts that you don't like?

I don't like the fact that Hillary is a carpetbagger.
-She came to the state just long enough to qualify to run for office.
-Just before her last election, she stated that she would not run for her seat if she were not going to stay the full term.
-Hillary is a gun control advocate.
-Hillary is not a democrat. She is a liberal.
-Hillary stayed with a man who is a serial-adulterer. I personally do not care about hers and Bill's personal life. I do care that she stayed with him only to maintain power.
-Hillary is proposing legislation to require oil companies to spend profits on alternative fuel research. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. They sell OIL. How can you propose legislation requiring them to look for a way to put themselves out of business ?
-Hillary is for socialized medicine.
-Hillary is for welfare.
-Hillary is for Affirmative Action.
-Hillary is for high taxes to support her fledgeling social programs.
I could go on and on about Hillary.

I could go on and on about the evils of Hillary.
I am not a diehard Hillary fan by any means, but I am always curious when I see remarks like this. I heard their former adviser Dick Morris call her a monster last night on Hannity & Colmes...

What makes her Satan, out of curiosity?

Dick Morris was once the political genius behind Bill Clinton, sort of a "good" Karl Rove. But Hitlery walked all over him like a White House carpet, and humiliated him on several occasions in front of generals and diplomats and Bill Clinton's cronies, some of which are still alive today (unlike the late Slum Lord Ron Brown).

As a result, Dick Morris departed the Clintons' service in disgust, and has been ***ning America since then that Hitlery was the epicenter of every scandal and bad move during the Clinton presidency.

He's got a personal axe to grind, but he gives a good "insider's illustration" of the ugly side of Hitlery that the media will NEVER show.


By the way, why is the three letter combination that spells out military conflict a bad word on this forum? What the fuckin shit is that?
Dick Morris was once the political genius behind Bill Clinton, sort of a "good" Karl Rove. But Hitlery walked all over him like a White House carpet, and humiliated him on several occasions in front of generals and diplomats and Bill Clinton's cronies, some of which are still alive today (unlike the late Slum Lord Ron Brown).

As a result, Dick Morris departed the Clintons' service in disgust, and has been ***ning America since then that Hitlery was the epicenter of every scandal and bad move during the Clinton presidency.

He's got a personal axe to grind, but he gives a good "insider's illustration" of the ugly side of Hitlery that the media will NEVER show.


in 'Dereliction of Duty,' the book written by the Air Force Lt. Col, Robert Patterson [served as the carrier of the 'nuclear football' for Clinton, before leaving in disgust], he said that it was commonplace for Hillzilla to invite her brothers over to the White House, where they all treated high ranking military officials with total disrespect.
the Rodham brothers considered the military presence in the White House as their personal caddys on their golfing outtings.

he reported that when Hillary walked the halls in the White House, you could hear the hushed tones of people saying, 'here she comes!' and they'd all duck into whatever open doorway there was, because Queen Hillary didnt like people to look at her or be near her when she walked the halls. :err:

she really and truly considers herself 'royalty' and above interaction with scum-of-the-earth commoners, like you and me.
oh, sure... she'll play the role to get the votes, but you know when she gets in from some of her campaign trips and from 'pressing the flesh' with the dregs of society, she takes a scalding hot shower and has herself de-loused.

Dick Morris is the one that insists she's as paranoid and unhinged as Richard Nixon proved to be, when he had the DNC offices bugged.
Hill cant accept that somebody might respectfully disagree with her. you either agree with her, completely, no matter what, or you're automatically labeled an 'enemy.' there is zero room for compromise.

when she wrote her nifty piece of fiction, 'Writing History,' she made some allusions to those who are against 'modern women.'
that little rallying cry came because several right wingers disagreed with certain policies she was proposing.
not a word was said about 'modern women.' it was specifically HER, yet, she had to make it seem like those that spoke against her were REALLY against all working, independent women [saying 'independent woman' and 'Hillary Clinton' in the same sentence seems so awk***d]. she needs to turn it around and gather these 'forces' by making them think a disagreement with her is a blow against all of them, not to be ignored, but met, head on [by giving her votes, of course].

she's a fraud. she's an anti-semite [Dick Morris, who is half Jewish, mentioned how when she got upset at his wanting a raise for his campaign work for Bill, referred to him as 'you people' ]. she's mentally/emotionally unstable. she's not fit to run her own household, much less a nation.

she needs to be locked up in an institution, somewhere [prison mental ***d, maybe?]. not put in the highest office in the land as leader of the free world.
Ohh Sue,,,
It looks like you're still obsessed with the infotainment business.
You say "hillzilla" like a true pundit.
If Huggies gave out awards for "Pundit of the Year", you might be in the running.
You're a big kid now, Sue.
I don't like the fact that Hillary is a carpetbagger.
-She came to the state just long enough to qualify to run for office.
-Just before her last election, she stated that she would not run for her seat if she were not going to stay the full term.
-Hillary is a gun control advocate.
-Hillary is not a democrat. She is a liberal.
-Hillary stayed with a man who is a serial-adulterer. I personally do not care about hers and Bill's personal life. I do care that she stayed with him only to maintain power.
-Hillary is proposing legislation to require oil companies to spend profits on alternative fuel research. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. They sell OIL. How can you propose legislation requiring them to look for a way to put themselves out of business ?
-Hillary is for socialized medicine.
-Hillary is for welfare.
-Hillary is for Affirmative Action.
-Hillary is for high taxes to support her fledgeling social programs.
I could go on and on about Hillary.

I could go on and on about the evils of Hillary.

I don't like her either. I agree with all of the reasons you mentioned, except for your school-girlish obsession with her marriage.

Why have Republican men become such effeminate drama queens?
I lost faith in the Republican Party when they threw a hissy fit over another man's infidelity. It's been almost 10 years since Monica reared her ugly dress.
Yet, you "conservative" men are still having menstral cramps over it.
If you pussies would stop trying make prudishness into law, maybe some us Libertarians would start voting for republicans again, and there would be no way that Hillary would win.
I don't like her either. I agree with all of the reasons you mentioned, except for your school-girlish obsession with her marriage.

Why have Republican men become such effeminate drama queens?
I lost faith in the Republican Party when they threw a hissy fit over another man's infidelity. It's been almost 10 years since Monica reared her ugly dress.
Yet, you "conservative" men are still having menstral cramps over it.
If you pussies would stop trying make prudishness into law, maybe some us Libertarians would start voting for republicans again, and there would be no way that Hillary would win.

Teeth, read slowly so you fully understand. Not once in my previous post did I state that I had a problem with Bill's infidelity. I stated that I had a problem with Hillary overlooking all of his infidelity just to maintain power.
The Republican party didn't throw a fit over the infidelity. They threw a fit over Bill's perjuring himself over it.
The Republican's honoring their marriage's isn't what keeps Libertarians from voting Republican. Just the stupid ones.
Teeth, read slowly so you fully understand. Not once in my previous post did I state that I had a problem with Bill's infidelity. I stated that I had a problem with Hillary overlooking all of his infidelity just to maintain power.
The Republican party didn't throw a fit over the infidelity. They threw a fit over Bill's perjuring himself over it.
The Republican's honoring their marriage's isn't what keeps Libertarians from voting Republican. Just the stupid ones.


It should've never have been Congress' business to begin with...

He's had girls for a long time, and Hillary knew about it back in Arkansas...

That's their marriage, not Congress' or yours or mine.

Invasion Of Privacy? Yes, indeed it was.

It should've never have been Congress' business to begin with...

He's had girls for a long time, and Hillary knew about it back in Arkansas...

That's their marriage, not Congress' or yours or mine.

Invasion Of Privacy? Yes, indeed it was.

That is about the weakest arguement I have ever seen. Not even worth addressing.
There are enough things about Hillary that disqualify her from office that I don't need to point out her perjuring, untrustworthy, sexual-offender husband.