Bust a gut, or lose some brain cells: Random things you find on the net

Don't even get me started on this.........F'd up indeed. :ill:

Can I just ask what the big f***ing deal is about this? Pregnant man, my ass. A "man" with a vagina and a uterus is not a man. So a woman who was taking hormones and has a mustache had a kid. Happens all the damned time.

If anyone understand why this is news, please, please share it with me! :P

Can I just ask what the big f***ing deal is about this? Pregnant man, my ass. A "man" with a vagina and a uterus is not a man. So a woman who was taking hormones and has a mustache had a kid. Happens all the damned time.

If anyone understand why this is news, please, please share it with me! :P


Bingo.......I don't get it myself.
There's a couple of ways to solve that one. I've seen people do a belt with teeth like this: http://fantasticcontraption.com/?designId=139466
And I've seen people do it with a top row of wheels and bottom row of wheels like this: http://fantasticcontraption.com/?designId=146402

BTW, you can click on "forums" above and see what other people have done.

I was trying something along both of those lines. The one with the shovel is wicked. I would never come up with that.