Bust a gut, or lose some brain cells: Random things you find on the net

This is for real?! ...wow just wow.


Wow. We just got some of that style of Post-its at work.

Not nearly enough, though, I suspect.... :heh:

"What, are you enjoying this?" :)

I think Sarah P. is laughing at that skit. The same, I suspect, is not true of Hillary. :lol:

Hmm, fascinating. My immediate impression was that the dancer is spinning clockwise, which would -- so the test goes -- make me a right-brain or 'creative' brain person. By concentrating a bit, I can visualize her as spinning counterclockwise.

BUT, she actually -is- spinning clockwise. The shadow is clearly being projected toward you by a light source beyond the dancer: if it were coming from 'behind' us toward her, we'd see a lot more of her shadow. So, with the light from behind, the shadow of her raised foot can only be passing between her and the observer if she is rotating clockwise.

So, maybe I'm using too much of my left-brain. :lol:

At first she was "clearly spinning counter-clockwise" and I had absolutely no doubt about it. I couldn't even rationalize how people might see it the other way. The as I started reading, the image flickered a little and reversed directions!!! :hypno: Now she spins clockwise and I can't seem to get her to change back so I can watch the switch again. Cool test!
I come across internet memes all the time but every so often you come across one thats just too funny not to share.
