buy koolaid

You know, the strange thing is that I just prepared a pitcher of it about 5 minutes ago.
BucketBanger9000 said:
You know, the strange thing is that I just prepared a pitcher of it about 5 minutes ago.
1 hour ago for,just finnished a glass.Orange is the shit
when I was in like 4th grade, somehow it became cool to snort Kool Aid...My mom had a membership to a wholesale store, and she used to make kool aid all the time. She usually has 100+ packets in the cupboard from assorted bulk boxes. I made a killing selling that stuff for a $2 a packet, when like 10 could have been easily had for $1 at a grocery store. I got caught like 2 months into it and for whatever reason, the teachers never called my parents. off lucky on that one.
Rock Hydra said:
when I was in like 4th grade, somehow it became cool to snort Kool Aid...My mom had a membership to a wholesale store, and she used to make kool aid all the time. She usually has 100+ packets in the cupboard from assorted bulk boxes. I made a killing selling that stuff for a $2 a packet, when like 10 could have been easily had for $1 at a grocery store. I got caught like 2 months into it and for whatever reason, the teachers never called my parents. off lucky on that one.

hahahhahahahahhauahuahuahauhaua ... omfg..

Koolaid traffickerr!!! LOL

I can picture little kids snorting that shit... OMFG

(*#&$@)$&#&%#@(& ... wow

see? it's not only black ppl that love that stuff...

DaRkLady said:
hahahhahahahahhauahuahuahauhaua ... omfg..

Koolaid traffickerr!!! LOL

I can picture little kids snorting that shit... OMFG

(*#&$@)$&#&%#@(& ... wow

see? it's not only black ppl that love that stuff...


Lemonade flavored Kool Aid became a hot ticket since it didn't leave any color on your face (white powdered as opposed to blue or red). It was almost asked for exclusively, I was going to start charging more for Lemonade, but got busted beforehand.