Buy this CD!?!


formerly known as Unicorn
Nov 3, 2001
Hello Unicorn!

Well, I really like the tracks and I actually would buy the CD!
Unfortunately I did this CD myself, together with you... so I have by 1 Million copies of this CD here at my place... So I hope you don't mind that I don't buy one... :lol:
C ya

Really great stuff, I just spent the night with a my girl and the line
"I can`t sleep while your awake" Just speaks right to me! Keep up the good work...
@ Blossom
Thank you. Nice to hear such kind words. It's a concept album about love by the way.

@ lumen
No problem. But could there be a better time than x-mas? ;)

@ Claret
Why not buying a CD of your own? I would make you a special price. :D
Hi Lumen!

Well, actually it is about some nice, but also some dark sides of love... so it's about a love from its beginning to its end.
But you may of cause see it as you's like to see it. So what did you think it is about? :)

See ya