Nightingale - Atlanta Medley 2001


baptized in blood
Feb 8, 2005
Washington, USA
Megaupload link: Atlanta Medley 2001 download
(someone put it elsewhere if you don't like MU)

Dan is this the closest we'll ever get to hearing a "new" version of these older songs? I know Dag said that a lot of TBS songs don't translate well with Nightingale's sound now, but these sound cool and I'm sure it would work out fine!

I'm sure myself and many other fans would still love a revised TBS album, even though the original is special. Maybe even another compilation similar to "Nightfall Overture"

Give us a lesson in evil!
hey i'm huge Edge of sanity fan and this is the first time for me to hear Nightingale. i gotta say its pretty damn good.
can anyone recommend me an album to get, or should i just start from their first album?
Wow! They all sound great!
I hope they'll re-record them some day, not that they would be better then the originals. ;)

saboona: Get 'em all! They're all great in their own way. Start from the beginning and work your way up!
I've always maintaned that the entire TBS album would be killer re-recorded. Even if some songs had to be changed a bit to work within the newer Nightingale style, it would still work. And it would never take anything away from the original.
Its a demo. There were some plans to do it live in Atlanta but we played
TCC instead

Hmmm, yeah, now that I listened to it again, the drums sound kinda fakey and Dan's holding back on his voice too. So yes, I see it was demo after all. Still sounds pretty neat overall though.

I also vote for another "Nightingale classic remakes" album starring "Scarred For Life" as the title track.
Yeah, Dan isn't using the full power of his voice, but it's still fucking cool to listen to, I love it.

Maybe some day something cool will still happen, I still remember Dan saying that he wants to do Gypsy Eyes, which would be a step in the right direction for more TBS songs redone with the full band.
i like the medley a lot, just have to be cognizant they're just fucking around a little bit. dan obviously holds back and the recording isn't so great... but it sounds cool! if he did that shit live with nightingale, it would rock some socks off!