buying a new computer (mac)


Mar 22, 2006
So heres the situation.
my pc sucks.

i prefer macs, so im going to get one .... no disuading me please and definatly no mac/pc arguments.

as most of my work at the moment involves working out of other studios as well as home, and not all of them have macs or tools,

do you reckon i should invest in a macbook, for my mobile purposes and get a powermac later for my home rig, or the other way round?
Don't know if that can help but here's what I've done. I used to record on a PC laptop and mix on a PC desktop. Then I bought a Quad G5 for the mixing and still uses the PC laptop for tracking (no need for too much power for that), until I can get myself a Macbook Pro.
cheers brett,
i was thinking of getting a macbook, maybe pro, then the uad expander and a duende to handle my plugins. or maybe a powercore firewire, so i can switch betwen the two!
i reckon that ought to do it for mixes!
any other thoughts anyone??
fair play!!
i do almost all my tracking outside the hous ya see!
i was gonna invest in the duende regardless of what system i got, fair point you make!! a laptop just seems more convenient..

any other thoughts anyone?
If your just tracking with a laptop then you don't need an uber muscle bound intel macbook or macbook pro.

I am still testing my limits but I have been able to record 10 tracks simultaniously. If I ever meet someone with another firepod I will try more.

Oh yeah thats onto a USB 2.0 drive.

Just some food for thought (as you can get a fully loaded 15" powerbook for around $900-$1100 usd).

However if it's your primary system, I say don't get a laptop.
i got a mac mini for my tracking!
its great! :lol:
very glad i bought it, i just need to get a good version of cubase for it and i can mix properly on there aswell, as at the moment, i may sometimes export things to pc in order to cut frequencies, or use different plugins that may not be available on the mac etc
Earlier someone asked if a fast computer could 'piggyback' for power processing - long story short, we could set that up but it's an evil little bitch and it's just not worth it. These guys' suggestions are probably the easiest way to go - get something cheap that will stand up to tracking needs, and then mix on a powerful beast of epic proportions.

The reason you don't want to slave out one computer and use it as 'reinforcement' for another is because it's very hard to make software optimize this and it would really just be quicker to use a laptop for mobile tracking and a desktop with guts to do the mixing. If you have a multi-core (like an Intel Core Duo or AMD X2) or well-done multi-processor (Beowulf cluster) system, what you're setting yourself up under is called SMP and requires that you have a workload 'split' between processors properly (which is nothing new if the software supports it, or a master's degree in computer science if the software doesn't), and anything that can be done is basically handled for you out of the box. If, however, you have two different computers working together, the optimization is an evil little bitch that's basically like trying to have an elementary school carry a Howitzer uphill in the rain - the little children can't do a whole lot, so in practicality they should just stay out of the way and let the bigger kids do a lot of the work until they're really needed, but you spend all sorts of time trying to figure out when the wee ones are helping enough to justify the chaos introduced by putting kindergarteners in the way of hundreds of kilos of steel and exploding things... basically the work taken to utilize the weaker computer's processing power is only worth it if the two computers are fairly similar in spec, but for that to be realized you're either spending a lot of money on both or crippling them both for budget reasons. Get a cheap laptop that'll do the job (decent speed, USB 2.0 or FireWire port, no gaping holes where screen should be) and splurge on a fancy desktop.
