buying drugs helps fund the terrorists...

MetalHeadMarc said:
Of course our Government is corrupt, but that doesn't mean we can't appreciate it. Yeah, it does things that are wrong but what government does it, after all its made of only men. But atleast we can have this discussion, and atlest tommorow I can crank in my heavy metal listen while i'm driving down a paved road. Buying drugs probably does in fact fund terrorism. No one should buy dugs any way. Drugs are a crutch for the weak. Altering your mental state to have a "good" time and escape reality is fucking weak. Shit happens, just every one isn't man enough to face it I guess.
hmmm...i'll bet somebody supported the war...
the only people who supported that war were the fucking reactionaries... you know what someone told me before the war started? "We need a good war every now and then: good for the economy". Sure, he's not the one going out to die so George W. Bush can be rich.