BYOC Tube Screamer Clones


Nov 6, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Hey Guys,

I know someone brought it up a little while back, but I was wondering what you guys thought of the OD-1 and OD-2 from Build Your Own Clone. How does it compare to the available Tube Screamers on the market? I'm having a tough time choosing which Tube Screamer to buy. Im pretty much just going to be using it with my 5150 to record.

Thanks for your guys' help!
Hey Guys,

I know someone brought it up a little while back, but I was wondering what you guys thought of the OD-1 and OD-2 from Build Your Own Clone. How does it compare to the available Tube Screamers on the market? I'm having a tough time choosing which Tube Screamer to buy. Im pretty much just going to be using it with my 5150 to record.

Thanks for your guys' help!

If you just want straight up, original TS-808, then go for the OD-1.

The OD-2 is cool, but IMO if you are just needing a 'tighten up my high gain amp' pedal, then the OD-2 is overkill.

I can vouch for the BYOC stuff, they make great kits. Love my Fuzz Face clone. FYI, if you buy just the PCB from them, and source out the rest of the parts yourself, you can save a few bucks.
I've got the OD-2. Pretty easy to build and sounds great. I've never compared it directly to the TS-808 or any other similar pedals but I like it. If you end up getting one just know that the footswitches are the main pain-in-the-ass. I think Wolfeman actually suggested a different type of switch to me in another thread, that I can't exactly remember at the moment, which are supposed to be much easier to solder.
I am pretty much just needing the 'tighten up my amp' tone. I don't plan on using it for bluesy cleaner type stuff so maybe I will just go with the OD-1 pedal. But having the boost switch for live type applications is rather appealing too.
Hey Guys,

I know someone brought it up a little while back, but I was wondering what you guys thought of the OD-1 and OD-2 from Build Your Own Clone. How does it compare to the available Tube Screamers on the market? I'm having a tough time choosing which Tube Screamer to buy. Im pretty much just going to be using it with my 5150 to record.

Thanks for your guys' help!

You live in PHX (big city), do you just want to build the effect just to build one? I always see tube screamers (OD9 and 808s) for 40-60$ on craigslist. The kit was $70? Even buying the board (12+shipping) and building it, used prices are hard to beat on these.
Yea I kind of just want to build it, Im an electronics tech, so I like working on hardware. But I also want to get the best possible deal. The only Tube Screamers I find on Craigslist here in Phoenix are TS-9's for usually like $80-$100. And if I can build one for cheaper, and turns out to be better than the stock ones, then thats the route that I want to go.
The OD-1 is cool. We built 3 of em a while back, all slightly different. My one was modded with a few caps and different resistor values to tighten it up further, and it's one of the best TS' I've ever used!
I highly recommend going the PCB then sourcing parts yourself route. But the kits do make it a bit easier. The price is pretty good but of course factor in the hours of your time. You can get a TS7 (same as TS9) for $30-$40.

I have also done the General Guitar Gadgets one and it is pretty awesome. Looks like it has a lot of the same mods as the Overdrive II. Of course you can go either way.

It is so weird with these overdrives. It seems like so many of the mods are for when you are using them as your distortion. But in metal we use them to slam the front end of an amp. So all the fancy mods and such, I don't really know how effective they really are.

Personally it boils down to amount of lowend roll off, the mid bump, maybe a really tiny bit of grit, and then output. So unless those are changed, the rest I guess wouldn't matter too much.