5150 Tube Test - JJ - Ruby - Sovtek- KT88 (OMG)


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
So today I decided to do some more re-amps using different tubes. Being a JJ guy for the last 5 years I figured I would give this another go and see how I felt about my JJs. I even ran a test with a set of old KT88s I had laying around just to see what it would sound like.

JeffTD's Rose of Sharyn DI's > Tube Screamer > 5150> Marshall Cab V30s > Single Sm57 > Focusrite Saffire Pro 40

Clips have no post processing. I will run this till Wednesday of this week. Vote on your fave and tell us why. Then I will reveal the results.

MP3s can be found at:


Tube Details: (Revealed)

Sovtek 6L6WXT+ #4
JJ 6L6GC #1
Ruby 6L6GCM-STR #3
JJ KT88 #2
ok, i was able to give it a quick listen on my headphones (akg k240). Im torn between 2 and 4, but im leaning towards #2. It just seems more in your face. The others almost seemed like the amp needed to be pushed harder in comparison (but all sound good imo!)

Nice shootout! Ill soon be re-tubing my 5150 & had no idea what tubes I was going to get.
i like number 2 the most, sounds wider and i like the sound of palm mute attack from it. while number 4 sounds tight. but i like 2 more ! :headbang:
Careful with those 88's in there, the 5150s heater supply wasn't made to handle that load.

I know, but honestly I have had them in there since I got it, and the guy before me had them for 2 years that way. They seem to be fine. I have read all the stuff from FJA, Eurotubes, and Peavey on the subject and no one has come to a conclusion as to whether its bad or not. I don't really run the amp at super high volumes, but I take care with it for sure. I have talked to hundreds of guys online that have been doing the KT88 thing for quite a while and no one has had any issues.

I dunno why, or how but it seems to work ....lol

The math doesn't support the idea I know, neither does the words of the "gurus" but it seems to work.
2 and 4 at a first listen....curious to see which one is the sovtek since i retubed mine some days ago ...
128kbps make it really hard to judge imho. I totally hear the frying eggs effect on top of the sound.