C A R A !!!


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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[03:30] * ct_thrash changes topic to 'KAREN i had to get up out of bed at 3:30 a.m. to laugh about danny glover day'

hahahahaha :tickled: :tickled:

Look what my friend Chris told me this morning after looking in my server:

[08/09 - 10:02] mofriedbiscuits: why do you have pics of danny glover??
[08/09 - 10:02] mofriedbiscuits: with your friends??
[08/09 - 10:02] dead_lioness: hhahahahahaahahah

[08/09 - 10:04] mofriedbiscuits: ok, but why the hell Danny Glover?
[08/09 - 10:04] mofriedbiscuits: is it because we saw him in DC that day?

I can't stop laughing :lol: :lol:
yeah i found myself in bed about to crack up about it and i couldn't hold it in any longer so i had to leave the room as not to disturb chromo-sleep. then finally when i came back to bed i still made some noises trying not to laugh hahahahaa.

sawwy poopy :p