cab question?


happiness is jagermiester
Jan 15, 2004
im lookin for a 2x12 speaker cab rated for 150 watts @ 4 ohms, but i dont have a lot of cash so i need to find an inexpensive one, where should i go?
the only problem with that is that i dont have room for a 4x12 cab right now, but I might get it considering its less then 350, btw needled, did you tab out the key's from the hidden solo on mysongbook? if you did fuckin badass!!! i love that solo, i wish i could play the boards
goth_fiend said:
the only problem with that is that i dont have room for a 4x12 cab right now, but I might get it considering its less then 350, btw needled, did you tab out the key's from the hidden solo on mysongbook? if you did fuckin badass!!! i love that solo, i wish i could play the boards

yeah i did dude, thanks.

I can't actually play keybaords though :D