Cabs: Mesa vs. Earforce

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
damn, I love Mesa cabs for their smoothness, but I gotta say the Earforce is just as good...different though, a bit more bite than the Mesa, bit different mids also (I think the EF sounds "deeper" and more 3d than the Mesa....both lovely cabs for sure

I'd probably say the EF is soundwise between the Mesa and the Marshall, probably a bit closer to the Mesa.

The Mesa definitely sounds more polished and smooth, the EF has got some unique brutality though...the Mesa definitely sounds more "sneapish", so I guess most here will prefer that one...I knida like the brutality of the EF just as much

anyways, here are some clips of the
Mesa Stiletto
and the
Earforce 4x12
Hard for me to pick a favorite, honestly. Both sound great and I think they would complement each other quite well.
Don't think it's really compareable, they sound quite different in that clip.
For sure great sounds for both cabs, I like both for different reasons
If there was the clearness of the mesa paired with the fatness and overall br00tal of the EF cab it would be perfect.
Something in the EF clip is a bit anoying though, cant put the finger on it
The Earforce cab sounded "scratchier" and a little more abrasive. Liked the Mesa cab better.
The Earforce sounds good. I like the low mids....

Those have Eminence speakers?

What head did you use for this, Lasse?
They both sound great.

To me it's no comparison, the Mesa is the clear winner. I would pick it blind. Just sounds way more natural in the mix than the EF does.
EF for me too. The Mesa is way too smooth and tame. This is metal, let it bite.
Call me crazy but the Mesa sounds like it has more bite to it than the EF... as in, the EF cab sounds smoother out of the two.
I am sorry Lasse but theres no way this shootout can be scientific enough unless both cabs have the same tubes installed, you also chose to put them in a mix which ultimately serves no purpose, add to that the fact that your playing is placebo.



No but seriously i like both and i wonder how they could sound blended though if i had to choose only one cab yes i would go with the stiletto.

Thanks for the clips!