Cadaver - "...In Pains"


Sep 16, 2004
Chances are that you may have already seen this review on the Metal Archives.

While Cadaver’s debut “Hallucinating Anxiety” showed a grinding hybrid of black and death metal in the style of early Mayhem, Asphyx and Merciless. It’s follow-up takes a different turn.

This album could be described as Darkthrone’s “Soulside Journey” with progressive tendencies and influences from the other Scandinavian death metal scenes (Sweden in particular). The music frequently changes direction through the use synchronized power chording, abrupt pausing within songs before quickly resuming with cadence making it perplexing and disconcerting (in a good way). Vocals on this album are harsh, almost similar to black metal but in the death metal essence and are preformed in the style of Atheist and Pestilence. The Lyrics tell tales of psychological mishaps and macabre with slight humour (the lyrics to “Runaway Brain” as an example).

Along with Therion’s “Beyond Sanctorum”, Miasma’s “Changes” and Demilich’s “Nespithe”, this is one of death metal’s most inventive releases. Unfortunately though this album is out of print, meaning it wouldn’t be easy to come by but it’s worth seeking out.

This album reminds me of what would have happened had Atheist gone Gothenburg.

It sounds like they ripped off Piece of Time's production, but couldn't figure out how to rip off the musical aspect of things.

Still a great album, it just sounds slightly...redundant. If Atheist already did it better, and with more flair, why bother?