Caged in Metal - New online metal show


New Metal Member
Mar 22, 2010
For a major assessment at uni, I've started an online radio show called Caged in Metal. It runs for an hour every fortnight, and can be podcasted or streamed from the shows blog. It's main focus is local content, featuring interviews with Australian bands, and of course their music. Each week henceforth there will also be a sort of current affairs story I suppose, focusing elements other than the music or individual bands. So hit it up if you enjoy metal and shit. We also have a Facebook group, just search Caged in Metal.

The first show is already online, instructions on how to podcast it are on the blog.

PS: The next show will feature Dave Balfour.
Aye he is a nasty piece of work, I hear he never sleeps and lives off a diet of pub food and lint. During the interview he started whispering things over the phone. Something about leather and if I have any talcum powder...

Anyway I would love to continue the show after I finish the assessment. At this stage there will definately be four shows, and it's likely there will be a fifth. After that, it just depends if I can organise my lazy arse into gear. I know that just after the 9th July there will be no show because I'm doing an internship at the ABC, and after that it's uni. Once I establish how much work I have to do in second semester, I'll have a better idea as to whether I can continue the show.