Calling all americans!


Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.
Ok guys, on the 28th of april me, and my family are coming to invade :heh:. I'm gonna be going to Pheonix - AZ, Los Angeles - CA, Vegas and Santa Maria - CA. Can anyone in or near these cities give me some advice as to some cheap guitar/pro audio shops. I'm looking at purchasing the following :-

Audix i5
MXL v67G
ART Tube MP Microphone Preamp (Model 127)
Little Labs Redeye

Thanks in advance guys.
Don't use the word invade. Our goverment will find a way to call you a terr'ist. Although it isn't a big deal because they can't catch anyone anyway.

hehe, sorry I'm on the other coast so I can't help you. Have fun though!
Take a schecter and a ESP with ya as well... you could make money out of them since the UK and europe's prices on those guitars are almost twice as expensive..

But then again... getting it through the airport... hmmm...

Better stick it where the sun don't shine then..
Look into Guitar and Keyboard was on Indian School last time I was there...from the airport (in a rental), you'll usually come out on like, 32nd...go straight until you hit Indian School, take a left and head towards'll be on your left, but I don't remember the crossing street's not a bad little shop, and the guitar player from Flotsam and Jetsam works there, Mark Simpson.
Sinister Mephisto said:
Don't use the word invade. Our goverment will find a way to call you a terr'ist. Although it isn't a big deal because they can't catch anyone anyway.

That's because your government is totally fucking paranoid. I understand the right to defend one's country, believe me, I get it. 911 was no joke. But when the US government has a serious conversation about putting up a security wall along the Canadian border, all 4000 miles of it, something stinks. There's been a great deal of paranoid misinformation as to what comes into the States thru the northern border, but none of the 911 terrorists did, contrary to what a few of the larger US papers printed, then rescinded.
America is supposed to be "Land of the free, home of the brave." but for a while there it was starting to look like "Berlin Wall : 21st century." Besides, could your enconomy really afford to build the next Great Wall of China in North America?
As for catching terrorists, you've got to throw political correctness out the window, it's not helping. Start by looking in the obvious places.
*political rant off*

That being said, the states is a great place to visit. I've made many friends playing around the Detroit area back when I used to gig, and they've got an amazing Mexican village!

OzNimbus said:
That's because your government is totally fucking paranoid. I understand the right to defend one's country, believe me, I get it. 911 was no joke. But when the US government has a serious conversation about putting up a security wall along the Canadian border, all 4000 miles of it, something stinks. There's been a great deal of paranoid misinformation as to what comes into the States thru the northern border, but none of the 911 terrorists did, contrary to what a few of the larger US papers printed, then rescinded.
America is supposed to be "Land of the free, home of the brave." but for a while there it was starting to look like "Berlin Wall : 21st century." Besides, could your enconomy really afford to build the next Great Wall of China in North America?
As for catching terrorists, you've got to throw political correctness out the window, it's not helping. Start by looking in the obvious places.
*political rant off*

That being said, the states is a great place to visit. I've made many friends playing around the Detroit area back when I used to gig, and they've got an amazing Mexican village!


I actually don't think the goverment is paranoid, I think they're creating most of the problems and trying to make the people paranoid. I feel guilty for living here and I'd feel guilty for leaving without fixing anything, however, I still want to move to canada/europe. :(
Sinister Mephisto said:
I actually don't think the goverment is paranoid, I think they're creating most of the problems and trying to make the people paranoid. I feel guilty for living here and I'd feel guilty for leaving without fixing anything, however, I still want to move to canada/europe. :(

Don't feel guilty for living in America. There's nothing wrong with being an American. But I do think Michael Moore had a point with his "culture of fear" reference in Bowling for Columbine
I live between Los Angeles and Santa Maria in Santa Barbara, and here we have a great store called Instrumental Music, they have always hooked me up with great deals and I consider them friends. (most recently, I got my Audix i5 there.)
Genius Gone Insane said:
That's interesting, I've never heard that.

Outside america a lot of people think that, at least that's what we think here in italy.
When I listen to people from NYC (movies/internet videos) they got a clearer pronunciation.
when I was in scotland people living in edimburgh had a clear pronunciation too, I can't say the same thing about london people the home of the standard english language, very fast and furious ahahhahah
Anyway it's easier to understand the americans :) and this forum helped me out a lot!
