Calling all the Germans


Apr 13, 2002
As announced in passing in the context of another thread, I am moving to Germany (Frankfurt) as of January, 2009.

I invite every German to tell me whatever they deem interesting about their country - especially where politics, religion and social issues are concerned. I kind of want to know what I'm heading into. :)
First of all, Germany is awesome. Most Germans don't think so, but those probably haven't seen many other countries. Every time I visit another country, I love Germany a little bit more. The only other countries that could probably compete are the other German speaking countries Austria and Switzerland. Frankfurt is a decent choice, not as nice as Munich or the area I live in, but a decent city. Politics here are very liberal, very anti-war and social market economy is the way we go for. Religion plays close to no role in Germany, except among older people and for youth groups (whose members are mainly there for the youth group and not for their beliefs). As for social issues, I don't think there any which are a huge threat. Of course everyone likes to complain and we have unemployment as well (mainly in the former GDR but the social system works well enough. One social issue that could be mentioned is the demographic change which is stronger in Germany than in most countries. We have a lot of old people and without immigration the number of Germans would be shrinking. The main immigration group are Turkish people.
As for getting daily news, close to every channel in Germany brings them from 20:00 to 20:15 (after that most movies on TV start). Recommended are those on the first two channels (ARD and ZDF). A high quality newspaper you will get in your area is the FAZ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung).

Ask more questions or about details and I will answer.

A German trucker suspected of driving under the influence of drugs crashed his vehicle near Borås in western Sweden on Tuesday. He subsequently admitted to masturbating at the time of the accident.
The trucker, apparently unable to reach a satisfactory climax, then proceeded to continue to pleasure himself while in the midst of a police interrogation, according to the local Borås Tidning newspaper.
"He was masturbating while the police interrogated him," police prosecutor Åsa Askenbäck told the newspaper.
"He has admitted that he was not paying full attention at the time of the accident. He was playing with himself instead of focusing on the road."
The truck driver was en route from Gothenburg to Borås at around 4am on Tuesday morning. The truck and trailer flipped over when he rammed his vehicle into the central division on route 40 south of Borås.
The upturned vehicle blocked all traffic towards Gothenburg and one lane was closed in the direction of Borås.
The man remained in the vehicle with his hands apparently still clasped around his own gear stick and was subsequently arrested for reckless driving and driving while under the influence of drugs.
The suspicions against the man have now been extended to sexual molestation.
The German trucker, who is in his thirties, has admitted all of the charges directed against him.
I dont live in germany but i have. and i live in...ha..frankfurt, it's a cool place. why exactly are you moving there if i may ask?
Frankfurth lies near to Rhineland Palatinate ... near your location that´s the place of the awesome "rhine wine" :). In the end it´s a beautiful landscape, and you will have nice weather most times.
Regarding the German truck driver; It should be mentioned in his defence that the masturbation that took place during the police interrogation was purely a visualization of what he was doing when he flipped the truck. Just showing how it happened.

I've worked in Germany during a period. Mainly a good experience. Don't know if it could be of interest. Old thread etc.

Frankfurt am main probably peaked when it once surrendered to Swedish troops. Or perhaps when Kreator had their photoshoot for the backcover of "Coma of souls" there. Probably the latter.
First of all, Germany is awesome. Most Germans don't think so, but those probably haven't seen many other countries. Every time I visit another country, I love Germany a little bit more. The only other countries that could probably compete are the other German speaking countries Austria and Switzerland. Frankfurt is a decent choice, not as nice as Munich or the area I live in, but a decent city. Politics here are very liberal, very anti-war and social market economy is the way we go for. Religion plays close to no role in Germany, except among older people and for youth groups (whose members are mainly there for the youth group and not for their beliefs). As for social issues, I don't think there any which are a huge threat. Of course everyone likes to complain and we have unemployment as well (mainly in the former GDR but the social system works well enough. One social issue that could be mentioned is the demographic change which is stronger in Germany than in most countries. We have a lot of old people and without immigration the number of Germans would be shrinking. The main immigration group are Turkish people.
As for getting daily news, close to every channel in Germany brings them from 20:00 to 20:15 (after that most movies on TV start). Recommended are those on the first two channels (ARD and ZDF). A high quality newspaper you will get in your area is the FAZ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung).

Ask more questions or about details and I will answer.

So what are the reasons Germany is awesome, besides that you say so?
So what are the reasons Germany is awesome, besides that you say so?

We have a, compared to most other countries (only exceptions would be the Scandinavian countries and maybe some of Germany's smaller neighbours), well balanced social market economy with a good welfare system. Everyone (as in 100% of the people) has an insurance for pretty much everything. The politicians are a lot more reasonable than in most other countries.
The people are usually very liberal and rational.
Climate is nice with warm summers and cold winters, but never too much.
The infrastructure is almost unbeatable by other countries and everything usually just works.
What is horrible here though is bureaucracy in which we beat everyone in the world. Best example is the tax system. If you counted every tax law there is in the world, more than half of them would be German.
^You forgot to mention the beer.

I'm thinking to start learning a new language, and i'm divided between German and Swedish right now. I prefer Swedish cause it sounds gayer (as in happier), but German is a lot easier to learn around here due to the abundance of teachers. Obviously this decision will affect a lot more choices in the future (such as studies and job opportunities), so if anyone wants to convince me to learn German (or just give info about it :p), please do it now.
Seems like I forgot that in other countries (actually in Germany as well, if you are outside Bavaria) it is the habit to pee in cans and bottles and then label it as beer.

I like German as a language, but it is really hard to learn with all its exceptions and conjugation. And who really wants to move to Sweden? Theoretically it is a great country, but who needs a great country if you freeze your ass off there or get eaten by mosquitoes?
In Germany there are also always job opportunities for your kind.
I have to question the accuracy of this poll, since my experience with some of those nationalities is quite the opposite.

Of course no man can be cold next to me, as i turn up the heating.

And while talking about killing mosquitos: this link is very much unrelated to this thread, but caught my eye while looking at the previous link. Lots and lots of kudos to her. :headbang: