Calling all the Germans

i hate germany for their stupid notworthy asshole med.students who are not admitted to universities in their own countries, and instead flood austria AND - and that's the point - snatch away all affordable (and even expensive) appartments so that I must linger on where i am right now :yuk: :Shedevil::yell:

and apart from that, germany is a big mistake from passau upwards :p
I'll visit Germany the moment you move out my man :kickass:

Well that could take some time, then :P

opacity said:
i hate germany for their stupid notworthy asshole med.students who are not admitted to universities in their own countries, and instead flood austria AND - and that's the point - snatch away all affordable (and even expensive) appartments so that I must linger on where i am right now :yuk: :Shedevil::yell:

and apart from that, germany is a big mistake from passau upwards :p

Hey, we get blamed for Hitler since over 60 years, so sharing a few cheap appartments should be a nice deal ;) J/K, well, the german admission system for universities is a little peculiar, indeed.
I have to question the accuracy of this poll, since my experience with some of those nationalities is quite the opposite.

You're totally right! On a related note, I know a black Dutch guy so naturally, all Dutch males must be black :flame:
@Thanatos: Then if greek guys are lovey-dovey, i demand to know which country i'm living in. :Shedevil:

@opacity: how about looking for apartments in the period between academic years, when some students leave and before the new ones flood in? i don't know how things work there, but it would sure work where i live.
@VultureCulture: Hey can you PM your permanent email address or some way to find you? I'd like to kick your ass or have a couple beers (probably both) if I'm ever around sausage land :cool:

@Siren: Perhaps you attract the wrong kind of guys? :p

This is an excellent sample of German culture. I'm quite a fan actually. Can't believe that no one has mentioned him earlier in this thread. That man is pure sex on legs.

Note the boom-chicka-boom style in the backing music. Perkins style!
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One could argue whether there is or is not, how shall we put it, a cultural shortcoming in that specific clip. I would perhaps argue against it. In fact, it's quite a catchy tune actually. Songs like that or 'Cotton eye joe' and 'Boten Anna' are just reminders that we're still around. I'd say that they work as a form of first step, an entry level to a much greater chapter of Swedish culture. Much like that very humorous Hammerfall-project.

Y'know, what it all boils down to is knowing your place. Sweden is a relatively small nation; Only the fifth largest in Europe. Heavily characterized by the jante law (go wiki and you'll see). So we're happy just to contribute.

German mentality (the stereotype) is however much different and I must say that they've undoubtedly failed to fill their previous role as a nation of dignity and culture over the last say, 80 years or so. Some would perhaps say that that (and their lack of self-distance) makes them a perfectly legitimate target for most forms of sarcasms and whatever you can throw at them basically. But it's important to see and recognize pure talent and quality which is why Heino, this larger-than-life character came to life in this very thread. Keep it real etc.
I actually di(n)g that Gunther song. It's catchy. Of course it's things like that that make people think swedish men are gay, but what the heck.
That mustache is so incredibly awesome I could crap. And the aviators are especially funny because they went out of style in the U.S. something like 20 years ago.
Impressions of Germany.

There is just one word to describe Frankfurt, and that word is "cute". Small, neat, safe, pleasant, and ultimately a little boring.

It took me 10 months to decide to learn the language, but I am finally starting an intensive course next Monday.

The job is very good and not too demanding.

For the guy who asked: I live in Sachsenhausen but may be moving to Westend in a couple of months.

The music scene is cool, except for the fact that somebody bought all the Rammstein tickets exactly 2 hours after they went on sale and despite their 2000 gigs in Germany I will not be able to see them live.

People are a bit robotic, but not in a bad way. I only want to say that too many of them are called Ulf and I don't see the point of that.

The weather is actually pleasant, I was missing real winters having grown up in cold temperature and subsequently moved to a warmer area, the snow at the start of the year was pretty cool.

I need to get more involved in the country.

And my new favorite quote, thanks to the-band-I-will-never-see: I can't get laid in Germany.
From my experience, many Germans didn't care much for Frankfurt. Maybe they thought it was more of a cold, boring, no-nonsense, all-business, type of place. I personally thought it was pretty cool.
I do like how different cities in Germany all have their own unique feel to them, look, and charm :)

How big is that population problem getting in Germany?
If they're that concerned about it, are they actively seeking immigration?
Is the 'unemployment' a bigger issue that might gain benefit from the former problem?
German thoughts?