Calling valvestate experts


Apr 4, 2005
Hey all

So I've found a Marshall Valvestate 8240 at a good price. But before I pull the trigger I have one question. Is the preamp the exact same as the legendary VS8100?

As far as I can see they belong to the same lineup. The 8200 is the stereo version of the 8100. And the 8240 is the combo version of that. But I just want to make sure there are no differences between the preamps as that's where the magic happens.
Im not an "expert" but I would bet that its the same. I have the 8080 and it's spot on for the 8100 which a friend of mine had and I played through on more than one occasion. The 8080 is just a 1X12 combo version of the 8100. I even had a buddy route a speaker out so I can use it as a head. Google image searching the 8240 would lead me to believe its just the same thing with chorus. They are cool amps particularly for the prices you can snag them for.
If you can get the VS100R the next version. It has better features.
Hottest driven valve. The tube acts on the 3 channels, not only distortion, Power Dimension switch (better distortion at low Volume).

If you can get the VS100R the next version. It has better features.
Hottest driven valve. The tube acts on the 3 channels, not only distortion, Power Dimension switch (better distortion at low Volume).


Hold on there.
Not the same amp at all.
The original made in England valvestates have a certain sound that is really good.
The 8240 is the same as 8100 but with stereo chorus.
VS100R is just different, not better. I own one and I can say the power dimension button is pretty useless to me. Also on low volumes. But this is derailing the topic.
I have played the 8240 at a rehearsal space of one of my former bands. Pretty good amp, I'd say it sound just like the 8100.
I wouldn't say the VS's sound the same as the original Valvestates, same goes for the AVT's. I got a Marshall Mode Four some time ago expecting it to sound like a souped up 8100 and it sure as hell did not. Didn't sound bad, but not at all like the classic 8100 sound I would've liked to hear.

Not saying the VS is worse, but they definitely changed the vibe a little with each Valvestate series redesign.