Calm down Steve....

Tough As Steel

a.k.a. Aussie Dave
Feb 12, 2002
Visit site
I couldn't find this matter on any of the threads, so my apologies if it has been talked to death already.

From the site;


Let's get one thing straight. Bruce is NOT a liar.

There are NO overdubs on this live album. While it was being mixed in New York by Kevin Shirley and myself, Bruce was in London to my knowledge, or wherever he was, it's not an issue except to say that he couldn't overdub anything if he wasn't there!

What HAS happened is that I made an executive decision to cut and paste with a computer to put back in, his LIVE on the night vocals into parts where where he was getting the audience to sing on some choruses on some lines on their own. The reason I did this is because in the cold light of day it sounds better with him back in there because sometimes the audience were either out of time or not quite loud enough. So I simply cut out parts of his vocal on the line before and pasted it into the next line which was possible because it was a repetitive part.

I find it amazing that people would question this band's integrity and indeed go as far as accuse someone of being a liar. Supposed fans like that we don't want, as far as I'm concerned we're better off without people like that. If you don't like what I've done with the album, don't buy it. Simple!

Steve Harris
18th March 2002


I havent heard the album yet, nor have i read what people have said about this "overdub" controversy. I am surprised Steve Harris bothered to even comment. Theres always been bitching about stuff on the maiden BB for as long as i can remember...not sure why he wants to start clarifying things now?
Hey, and more power to him. I don't have a problem with it, i think its good to have the band get involved. BUT, Steve always has this i don't care what anyone thinks/says. Even though he still carries that attitude in that message, its just that you'd think if he doesnt care...why bother?

Maybe he was just defending Bruce's honour! And THAT is even stranger....
I post at the official board a lot. Possibly even more than I do here!
Certain member of that board are arseholes. In every concievable way, they suck. Annoyingly, these people are regulars with post counts into the 1000's. :(

How anyone could bitch, moan and complain about aspects of Rock In Rio - BEFORE THEY'D HEARD SQUAT - Is beyond me. Steve had every right to tell them where to go.
cut n paste = overdub, IMO

I'm taking Steve's (and Bruce's) advice on this one - I'm not buying the DVD, and getting a copy of the bootleg instead.

As for wether Bruce tells porky pies or not... all I have to say is "we will be coming to Australia".
I hope noone tells Iron Maiden fans that Kiss' live albums werent free from overdubs :D

For anyone with the bootleg, is the crowd louder on it? :)
Originally posted by TinMan666
cut n paste = overdub, IMO

I'm taking Steve's (and Bruce's) advice on this one - I'm not buying the DVD, and getting a copy of the bootleg instead.

As for wether Bruce tells porky pies or not... all I have to say is "we will be coming to Australia".


TimMan666 - damn straight! Everytime i am reminded of the no-show in Oz, i am left with a bitter taste in my mouth. I love IM music, but they dont have much credibility with me.

For the first time in my life, i am not rushing out to buy the new Im release (RIR), I am going to listen to it first, when i get the chance, and then decide whether its worth my money.
But Bruce can fly them dammit! They can also stay at my place, and we can all pool together our instruments and provide them for them to use on stage, problem solved! :mad: :)

BTW, has there been any word on what the extras on the DVD will be?
Originally posted by Dakk
Sorry guys but I have 2 words for ya:




They need both to get here.

Promoters they got, money they want too much of. They hadn't been here for nine years, both their previous tours landed the promoters in the red, the new album was still an unknown quantity and the three before it were ordinary, and they wanted absolute shitloads! Sometimes you just gotta make concessions, even if you're Iron Maiden.
Originally posted by spawn
BTW, has there been any word on what the extras on the DVD will be?

I wouldn't go expecting too much in the way of extras, probably just some interviews. State of the art, shmate of the shmart! Since when did Maiden's long-awaited releases live up to expectations? Ed Hunter, anyone?? VISIONS OF THE BEAST, anyone???
But he has been working on it for so long, I figured there would be lots of extras, I mean didnt they say Steve was sorting through 80 hours of footage?
Originally posted by Goreripper

Promoters they got, money they want too much of. They hadn't been here for nine years, both their previous tours landed the promoters in the red, the new album was still an unknown quantity and the three before it were ordinary, and they wanted absolute shitloads! Sometimes you just gotta make concessions, even if you're Iron Maiden.

Yeah Man, that's right. I was just making the comment to those who (possibly) don't know all it takes to get a band like Maiden out here with their full production & assume it's as easy for them as jumpin' on a plane...

bands a lot smaller than Iron Maiden can come out here and do a successful tour, and are happy if they can break even or make a small profit.

Fact is, Maiden could have come out if they'd wanted to... but there was more money to be made elsewhere.